Title: Vacation
Author: Kristen Sharpe
Date: January 2, 2019
Rating: K
Warnings: None beyond potential series spoilers.
Continuity: Mangaverse, post-Promised Day
Disclaimer: "Fullmetal Alchemist" belongs to Hiromu Arakawa, Square ENIX, Studio BONES and various other parties.

Author's Note: A little continuation to my "Challenge" drabble.

            Somehow, spying for the Emperor of Xing had spiraled completely out of control. And, Chris Mustang was loving every second of it.

            She was now actively spying on four of the most prominent clan heirs and spying for three of them. Mostly. It wasn’t good business to forget your primary client. So, information that didn’t benefit the emperor was… filtered. Carefully.

            Because he’d been very clear. Certain individuals might need to self-destruct but not entire clans. Never entire clans. So, every word was weighed and chosen with care, every conversation a dance along the cliff’s edge.

            It was exhilarating.

            And, if it was harder here where she was visibly a foreigner and being just another face in the crowd was nigh-impossible, that only added spice to the game.

            Still, she made time to send messages home. It wouldn’t do for Roy-boy to worry.

            “Having a great time on vacation. Met the young man you mentioned. May stay longer than planned.”

            Roy Mustang read the short note twice, searching for the added layers of meaning it hid. Then, he leaned back in his chair with a small moan. “I’m afraid of what I might have unleashed on an unsuspecting country.”