What am I doing just standing here...
Watching how you suffer...
How you fight every minute
Trying to come out alive
Outta this nightmare...
MY nightmare...
It's real... I know it's real...
But, I have high hopes that somehow I feel
I could just wake up
Sooner or later and find you
Alive and active...
Your sarcastic remarks
The joking tone in your voice as we face danger...

What's to be said, my friend?
I'd take your place anytime...
I would've... I should've...
Why didn't I this time?
This one time?
There's silence save the jet engines in that cockpit...
OUR cockpit...
There's no laughter
No genius explanations
No missiles fired
No cries of triumph
No...There's just silence...

What's to be said, my friend?
I want you back
I want you here
I want you to console me
I'm losing it...
The silence is killing me...
It's slowly transferring me deeper into this...
Nightmare... darkness... silence....
What's to be said, my friend?
What's to be said...
What's to be said........

By Sage

Based on Pen's fanfic Choices: The Effects and the Repercussions