QUICK NOTE : In the first part of this trilogy, I mentioned that the Russo-Japanese War
ended in 1904.  I apologize, because I was wrong.  The war didn’t end until 1905.  Sorry.
Part 2
Glen Battilana

“Here is justice, here is vengeance --- in me!
- Punisher (Frank Castle)


T Bone climbed down the fire escape and landed neatly on the ground.  He was careful
not to land on his bad leg,as he began to limp towards the building's garage.

There, he found Max Ringle’s motorbike.  Max was Chance’s next door neighbor, and, since
Chance helped fix his bike, Max had told Chance that he could take it for a spin whenever
he liked.  He pulled out a set of keys and walked over to his car.  He pulled out
a screw driver and proceeded to remove the bike’s license plates.

Once he’d done this, he placed them in the boot of the car and hopped onto the bike.

So many years.

T Bone smiled as he revved up the bike and sped out into the streets.

It’s no cyclotron, but it’ll do --- for now.

As he sped out, he pulled at the bottom of his shirt.

Say --- I wonder if I put on a few pounds since I last wore this thing.  It’s feeling a
little snug around the midsection.  But, enough of that --- Now, what to do first?

He turned the bike and roared around the corner.

“First stop, Megakat Biochemicals.  That’s where Dark Kat was reported to have been.”  He
pushed on the throttle and shot down the street.

There weren’t that many Enforcer cars when T Bone arrived at Megakat Biochemicals.  Just
three.  T Bone frowned.  The most dangerous criminal the world has ever seen and Steel
sends ONLY three Enforcer cars?  This REALLY was the right choice.

Now, if only Felina could understand this.

He parked his bike in a nearby alley and crept towards the building.  He fired his grappling
hook and pulled himself up to the roof.  He then pulled off the air duct and crawled

“....only stole one of everything?”

T Bone paused and leaned closer to a vent.

“Yes, that’s correct,” another voice replied.  “One of every chemical was stolen, why, I
don’t know.”

“So, you have no idea why Dark Kat would steel one of every chemical in this building?”

“None whatsoever.”

“Well, thank you so much for your time.”

There were three kats in the room, wearing white lab coats, one wearing a military-like guard’s
uniform, and the Enforcers.  The Enforcers finished writing up whatever it was on their note
pad and turned around to leave.

“So, gentlemen...” the lead kat said the moment the door closed, "do we currently have
anymore information available to us than the Enforcers do?”

The guard stuffed out his cigarette and blew smoke.

“My friend on the force gave me copies of their files, Eric,”  he said.  “The secreted
substance found at the scene of the crime match our escaped patient.”

Eric frowned.  “So, Dr. Viper is with Dark Kat?”

T Bone nearly did a double take in the vent.  How did they get a hold of Viper?  Wasn’t he
in the nut house?

“So, what we suspected is true?”  He flicked though some reports.  “Viper is dying of cancer,
and he needs a cure?”

Falconer lit another smoke.

“That sounds like it,” he said.  “Monica’s experiments couldn’t cure him, so he signs an
agreement with Dark Kat to help him.  After all, why would the guy come busting in here,
and steal one of every chemical?”

T Bone rubbed his chin.  That sounded just about right.

“Should we tell them what we know?”

“Are you kidding?  They’re the Enforcers for crying out loud.  They’ve probably already
come to this conclusion about six hours ago.”

“Besides,”  Eric said.  “The public thinks that Viper escaped from The Asylum, and, as far
as I’m concerned, I intend to keep it that way.  We don’t need any embarrassment by
letting the world know it was all our fault.  The world doesn’t know that we’re involved,
and, gentlemen ---” He glared around the table.  “Let’s keep it that way, Hmmmmmm?”

They all nodded.

T Bone rubbed his chin.  Viper?  Here?  What on earth are these jokers trying to hide?

“Well, shall we call it a night?”  They all nodded.  “Fine, I’ll see you all in the morning,
and, Falconer...”  The kat turned to face Eric.  “Delete everything in the building's
computer systems that has anything to do with Purvis.”

The kat nodded.  “I’ll get right on it tomorrow.  Although, Monica will be pissed.”

Eric nodded and they all got up and left.

“She’ll just have to live with it,” he said, as he left the room.  “I’m in charge of this
building, and she....”  His voice trailed off, as he walked down the hall way.

The moment  the door was closed, T Bone jumped down from inside the air duct and half hopped,
half crept towards the door.

Monica, hey.

He put his ear to the door, listening to the footsteps disappearing.

I’ll just look up her files, download a few things, and I’ll be right to leave.

He waited until there were no more sounds, then ,using his gloveatrix lock pick, he unlocked
the door and stepped out into the hallway.

Now, to find a computer.

As he hobbled down the hallway, he tried a few doors before he found one.  He turned it
on and sat down.  Once logged on, he typed in Monica to see what would come up.  However,
five names came up.  So, he tried again, this time adding ‘Purvis.’


“Let’s see......  Dr. Monica Louis Staphos, age 31, degree in Biology of animals, currently
employed under the Institute of Megakat Biochemicals.  Blah, blah, blah, blah....”  He
scrolled down the information, finally stopping at an interesting chapter.
“Here’s something....  Doing top secret research into a Synthetic Skin Derivative that
should replace dead and infected skin, and her subject is.....”  He blinked at the screen,
and smiled.  “Classified.  I should have known.”  He tried to bring up information on test
subjects, but was denied entry.  “Damn, I wish I had Jake here - he knows a hell of a lot
more about computers than I do.”

He shook his head.  You’d think twenty years is enough to learn how to use one of these damned

He shrugged, then began to rummage though the desk for a disk.  He found one and
inserted the hard disk into the drive.  “I’ll download everything I can for the moment.
Maybe later I can do something with this info.”

He then started downloading


T Bone jerked his head back, as the computer screen went bright red and yellow.  The words
‘ALERT!’ started flashing across the screen and a computerized voice started screaming...

“Alert, Alert, illegal download of information, hacker detected at Computer 54, terminate
your actions at once, and turn yourself in to the Enforcers and have a nice day.”

T Bone just shook his head and drew his paw down the middle of his face.

“Christ, these things will say anything these days.”  He pushed the button to eject the
disk, but it didn’t work.  Then, the voice spoke again.

“Your disk has been confiscated, have a nice day.”

T Bone got up and had to perform a strange-looking skip in order to run from the room.

“Hey, stop!”

He turned around, just as two guards entered the hallway.  One flashed his torch, but
T Bone had already jumped into the briefing room where he’d come in from.  He locked the
door and scrambled into the air duct, failing to pull the cover back on as he did so.

He practically fell out onto the roof and scrambled for the edge.


He spun around just as the guards burst onto the roof.  They didn’t carry guns,
just collapsible batons, which were about the length of Chance’s leg.  They both rushed
him, swinging as they came.  T Bone ducked the first swing, and just barely managed to miss
the second.  He fell to the ground, and leg swept one of the guards.

He fell to the roof with a grunt, landing on his back.  The second charged T Bone, roaring
as he did.  T Bone just took a stance, then struck out hard with a roundhouse kick,
sending the guard spinning into the roof.  The maneuver would have been perfect --- if T Bone
hadn’t used his bad leg.

Pain rocketed up his spine as he connected with the side of the guard's head.  He also fell
to the ground at the same time the guard did, clutching his leg and rolling around
clenching his teeth.

Aww, Christ!  I forgot!

The guard whom he’d leg swiped was now getting up.  As he did, he smiled at T Bone, lying
there on the roof clutching his leg.

“Oooooooh!” he said, mocking pity.  “That didn’t sound too healthy.  Ain't that a crying

“Jerk,”  T Bone hissed.

“Ya know,” he said, slowly walking towards him, “Rent-a-Cops take it real personal when
you whack other Rent-a-Cops.”  He then picked up his baton, and tapped it a few times
against his paw.  “They ain’t as sympathetic toward costumed has-beens  ---”  He then raised
his baton above his head, directly above T Bone.  “---which puts you in a rather vulnerable

“Not when the ‘has-been’ is still capable of fighting back,” he said as he rolled out of
the way just before the baton slammed into the ground.  “Like I am,” he said, striking
out with his fist, hitting a very sensitive part of the knee cap.

The rent-a-cop cried out in pain and dropped to the roof, clutching his leg.  T Bone
scoffed and slowly got up.  His leg ached and it was making walking very difficult.  He
walked over to the roof edge and lowered himself down by grappling hock.  Once on the
ground, he found the bike, revved it up, and sped off.

“So much for the triumphant return of the SWAT Kats,” T Bone muttered to himself as he
drove home.


When he got back, he couldn’t be bothered putting the plates back on the bike.  Instead, he
climbed up the fire escape and into his apartment window.

He crawled inside and collapsed on the floor, panting heavily.  His whole body ached.
He’d never remembered feeling like this after a SWAT Kat mission.  His leg burned with
agony and his muscles felt like they’d been though an old style washing board.

If he was going to continue being a SWAT Kat, he needed help, and he knew where to get
it from.

“Hello Chance.”

The light was flicked on and T Bone spun around to see Felina sitting on the edge of the bed.

“You didn’t take long at all.”  She had a nasty scowl on her face.  She didn’t look at all pleased
to see him.

“Felina?” he asked, taking of his mask, and getting up of the floor.  “You’re still

She nodded, her scowl getting darker.

“I’m still here.”  She said.  “I’m still here because I thought after tonight, you’d
realize how stupid this whole enchilada is and take that thing off permanently.”

Chance shook his head.

“I can’t, Felina,” he said, “not until Dark Kat and Viper are both behind bars.”

She didn’t scream.  She didn’t hit him, nor did she throw anything in his general
direction.  Instead, she just sighed and hung her head.  That was all.

“I thought that would be your answer.”  She said.  She then got up and walked out into
the living room.  “I’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight.”  She said.  “You can have
the bed.”  Then, she was gone.

Chance just stood there until his leg forced him to sit down.  He hadn’t been this
hard on his leg since he was a SWAT Kat.  Ever since the accident, he’d never put his
leg through this kind of abuse.  Maybe Felina was right.  Maybe he should quit while
he was ahead.

What could he do?  He was old, out of shape, he nearly got caught by two security guards,
and his leg had hardly seen any action, and it was already playing up.  He’d fought about
twenty, four-armed aliens who were bigger and tougher than he was, and he was nearly
finished off by two rent-a-cops?  He then thought about what he’d done.  He’d gone out,
snuck into a building like a thief, and tried unsuccessfully to seal information?  He
could have done that during the day!

He clenched his right paw into a fist and lightly banged his forehead.

Christ!  What do I do?!

Then he remembered just who he was going to see about his leg.  If he could see him, he
had a good chance of taking on Dark Kat and Viper.

It was the only way.  If only Felina could see things his way.  He walked over to the
bed, taking off his uniform and tossing it beside his clothes.

“Goodnight, Felina,” he called out.

She didn’t respond.


Did you ever feel in the wee hours of the night, that your life was closing in on you?  Hard
to tell nightmare from reality as shadows stretch forward, threatening to engulf you.  Your
eyes open, but you still might be asleep.  Sometimes, you’ve just got to go with it and
hope that it is a dream.

Chance‘s eyes fluttered and he opened them.


Right in front of him stood Dark Kat, Dr. Viper, Hard Drive, Chop Shop, and
the Past Master.  They all stood around him, surrounding him.  He tried to leap up, but
they grabbed his arms and legs and held him down.

“Stop struggling, hero,” Dark Kat said, “You don’t stand a prayer of winning.”

“What?!  H-how are you all here?!  This --- this has gotta be a ---”

“Dream?!” Chop Shop snapped.  “Is it?  Or is THIS the reality?!  That YOU are the reason
that we keep coming back?”

They all reached down to the bottom of their necks and pulled their faces off.

“Maybe you are the only reason your life is so messed up!”

Chance gasped, as he saw that, underneath, their faces were his.  They all looked like Chance
Furlong, looking straight back at him.

“Stop blaming us, Chance.  We don’t make you put on the costume and fight crime.”

“You’re doing it for YOU!!!”  Dr. Viper hissed.

“You’re fighting yourself!”  Hard Drive said.


 Chance slashed out with his claws, swiping at the air, making the villains vanish into
thin air.  He sat up, looking around, breathing heavily.

“Hey, chill out man!”

Chance spun around at the sound of that voice.  It was T Bone, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“You know they’re right.”  He got up off the bed, and turned to face him.  “You ARE your own
worst nightmare, enemy, and ultimately, at the end of the day, without them, and me ---”

He reached up and pulled off his own mask to reveal nothing underneath - no head, just
empty space.

“---You’re nothing!”


Chance fell out of bed and landed on his tail with a loud thump.  He looked around and
shook his head.

God damn it.

He got up, grabbed his cane, and started walking for the kitchen.

It was only a dream.

“Hey, Felina?  You want something?”  There was no reply.  “Felina?”  Chance called out,
walking into the living room.

The couch was empty.

All that remained was a neatly folded blanket lying on the far right hand side of the
couch.  Chance just stared at the empty couch for a few seconds before he turned to
face the wall.  He dropped his gaze to the floor and banged his fist against the wall.



Chance Furlong still had the five o’clock shadows as he walked in through the front of
the MBC building.  In fact, he was still getting dressed.  He had his tie undone and
was pulling on his jacket.  His belt was undone and flapped around in an embarrassing
manner.  A piece of toast ladled with jam hung from his mouth as he hurried past the
security guard and towards the elevator.

He got a few stares as he hurried past other workers towards his office.  He ignored them as
he opened the door to his office and closed it behind him.

“Good morning, Chance.”

Chance stopped in his tracks, and looked up from tucking his  shirt into his belt.  Someone
was sitting back in his chair.


She put her feet down and leaned forward.  “Umm - hmmm!” she said, no expression on her face

“What are you doing here?”

She shrugged her shoulders and reached down beside his desk.  “Oh, I just decided to stop by your
office this morning and see how you were after your little exercise last night.”

Chance frowned.  “What exercise?”

She pulled up this morning’s news paper and let it drop onto the desk, right where he could
read the headline.

“THAT exercise!” she growled.

Chance leaned over and read the front page.  “SWAT Kats Return!” he read.  The big color picture
showed a security camera shot of him in the hallways of Megakat Biochemicals.  He looked up at Ann,
who had a nasty frown on her face.  “Oh, that,” he said, trying to sound cheerful.

“Just what the hell did you think you were doing?” she snapped at him.  “I was stunned
last night to receive a frantic call from Felina,” she paused, “crying something about
you putting on your SWAT Kat costume again.  I mean she was all teary and very upset, Chance.”

“I had to,” he said.  “Dark Kat’s r---”

“Returned?!”  Ann snapped.  “I know Chance - I got the news from Johnny.  He told you, then
you went out and put on that STUPID thing again.”

Chance nodded.


“Why, Ann! Because you KNOW why,”  Chance said.  “YOU know why I put on that thing again.”
Ann’s mouth just turned into a line.  “You KNOW what Dark Kat can do.  That’s why you’re
angry at me.  Just like Felina - you both fear for my life.”

“He nearly killed me,”  Ann said in a whisper.

“And, he killed Callie!!”  Chance shouted out.  “You were there, Ann - I wasn’t.  I never
saw what happened, but you did!”

“Chance please!”  Ann moaned.  “I don’t need to relive that night again.”

“But I have to,”  Chance said.  “Dark Kat’s my problem, my responsibility, and MY job to
take him down.”  He lowered his voice.  “Once and for all.”

“But why you?”

“Because every time Dark Kat shows up in town, he’s always followed by a huge body count.  I
sure as hell don’t want to go back out there and face Dark Kat, but I have to.  I fought
him on more occasions than you reported, Ann.  I know Dark Kat.”  He paused for a moment.
“Besides Ann, Dark Kat would have forced me out of retirement one way or the other.  He
probably would have taken hostages or threatened to blow up the power plant again.”

“Are you sure he...”

“He knows who I am, Ann,”  Chance said.  “Did you ever wonder how he knew to come after
Callie ---” he lowered his voice.  “--or YOU??!”

“Is there anything I can say that’ll make you want to ---”

“No Ann,”  Chance said.  “I’ve got to make sure that Dark Kat stays dead this time.”

“I know I’ve asked this question before, Chance, but how?”

Chance smiled and leaned closer.

“I’m gonna get the help of an old friend.”

Ann gave him a look of puzzlement, before she handed him a folder.  “Anyway, to change the
subject, you’re gonna do a report on the return of the SWAT Kat’s.”  She got up and
prepared to leave.  “And, I want it done by tonight.”  Then, she left.

She’s still mad at me.

Chance turned around and sat down at his desk, turning on his computer.

I don’t blame her.  Dark Kat’s a murderer, but he can very well murder me.

He then pulled out a few things from the folder and started typing on the computer.

Heh, heh.  Imagine that - doing a report on myself.


Commander David Steele stepped out of the taxi and onto the pavement just outside the
Darkson Mansion.  He looked up at the tall mammoth building that loomed over him.  He
sighed and walked towards the tall iron gates.  He looked up again at the dark and
forbidding building, hidden in the shadows.

Is Oracular in?

He half smiled at that little comment and pressed the red button on the intercom.

“Good evening?” a voice said.

“I’m Commander Steele - I’m here to see ---”  Before he even managed to finish the iron
gates swung open with a metallic whir.

“Come right on in, Commander,” the voice said, “Mr. Darkson is expecting you.”

Yeah, I bet.

Steele then walked though the gates, spinning around when they slammed shut.  He stared at
them for a few seconds before heading down the driveway towards the front door.  Even
before he got there, it opened and a rather tall kat in a butler's uniform materialized
from out of the darkness.

“Right this way, Commander,” he said, “I’ll take you to him.”

Steel only nodded as the kat turned around and vanished into the darkness.  He hesitated a
bit, then followed.  When he entered the house, he looked around, but couldn’t see the butler


He spun around as the door slammed shut behind him.  The butler stood there by the
door as he had closed it.

“If you’d follow me,” he said, then headed up the stairs.

Steele looked around the room he was in.  It was fairly big, with twin staircases leading up to a
second floor.  Three large doors lead to other parts of the house, one to his left, one to his
right, and one straight ahead.  There was a large chandelier above him that lit the whole


He looked up and saw the butler waiting halfway up the steps.

“Oh, yeah, I’m coming,”  he said as he quickly climbed the stairs to fall in behind the
butler.  He was lead down a dimly lit corridor towards a large double door at the end.

“Inside,”  the butler said as he pushed them both open.

Steele walked out onto a small balcony, overlooking a room below.  There was no furniture in
this room, save for two large arm chairs, a roaring fire place, and a large painting of Robert
Darkson, which hung above the fireplace.  In the dark shadows of the room, he saw bookshelves
lined with thousands upon thousands of books.

He was in the library.

“Come in, Commander.”

Steele looked down at the two arm chairs and saw that one was  occupied.  He slowly descended the
staircase towards the library below.

Mr. Darkson...?”  His voice trailed off, as he saw the dark orange eyes that seemed to
glow in the shadows of the arm chair.  As he got closer, he saw something he wished he
hadn’t.  He nearly turned around and fled when he saw that Dark Kat was sitting in
the chair.  Instead, he let out a loud gasp.

“Do I frighten you, Commander?”  Dark Kat asked.  He smiled, revealing his sharp teeth.

“My --- GOD!!” he cried out.  “D--dark Kat?!” he stammered.

Dark Kat chuckled and lowered the cup of coffee he had in his paws.

“Yes, Steele, it’s me.”

Steele just blinked.  “But --- but --- I thought that ---”

“That I was just a relative?  A long lost child of my father?”  He chuckled.  “No,
Commander, I’m the real Dark Kat.  Not some cheap clone copy, nor am I a long lost

“But --- but --- but --- but ---”

Dark Kat raised an eyebrow.  “But?” he asked.

“But, you died!  I just thought that that video footage was just a ploy to throw
everyone off the trail,” he said, shaking his head.  “That’s why I came down here.”

“I wanted the world to know that I was still alive, Commander!”  Dark Kat said.  “The
whole world must know that I’m still alive.”


Dark Kat placed his cup on the table beside him.  “I want them to know, I’m still here,”
he growled.  “I want them to know that they failed all those years ago.  I want them to lie
awake in bed at night trembling with fear, wondering when I shall next strike, whether it
will be a loved one, or worse, them!”

Steele was confused.  “Who?”

“The SWAT Kats!”  Dark Kat snarled.  “They’re still alive today and I wanted them to
know that I was as well!”

Steele nodded.  “However, there’s another reason I came down to see you tonight,” he said.
“The mayor’s really hounding me to bring you in and I can’t keep stalling an investigation into
this matter much longer.  Dark Kat, although they don’t know this is your house, they
might figure it out that you live here.”

Dark Kat clasped his fingers together.  “In other words, you want more money?”

Dave nodded.  “That, or doing something about the problems I’m facing.”

Dark Kat raised his right paw and clicked his fingers.  Two kats in dark black suits entered,
carrying two large suitcases.

“I trust this will be enough money?”  Dark Kat asked.

Steele opened one of the suitcases.  His eyes bulged and went normal again as he closed the

“Yes,” he said, “This is enough.”

One side of Dark Kat’s mouth went up slightly.  “Good,” he said.  “Then, I suggest that
you keep your end of the bargain and keep the Enforcers outta this.  Nothing must interfere
with my final revenge on the SWAT Kats.”

Dark Kat watched as Steele left.  But, as he sat there, he began to think about what he’d
just said.  Deep down inside him that didn’t seem right.

He frowned.

Revenge on the SWAT Kats.  That’s what he wanted, right?  He wasn’t sure anymore.  The
past months he'd spent all this time planning revenge on the SWAT Kats.  He knew who
they were and where to find them.  He could have gone into their homes and blown their
heads off while they slept.

But, why didn’t he?

The SWAT Kats.  It was something about them.  Fascination?  Fear?

Silently, Dark Kat cursed himself.



A few fingers groped the radio clock until the buzzing stopped.  Jake Clawson turned
over in his bed and turned to face the ceiling.

“Time to get up, honey,” Kathin moaned beside him.

Jake just closed his eyes.  “Do I have to?  It’s Saturday.”

“You said that you’d drive Callie to her Basketball game today.”

“Tell her to get a license,”  Jake said and rolled over.

Kathin sighed and rolled over and stuck her fingers under Jake’s right arm pit and started
tickling him.

“Okayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokayokay!!” he complained as
he practically feel out of bed.  “I’m gett’n, I’m gett’n!”

He grumbled as he headed down the stairs towards the kitchen.  Callie was already in the
living room dressed in her basketball uniform.

“Com’on dad!” she said as he came past.  “My game starts in half an hour!”  She was
slightly smaller than Jake with blond hair and fur the color of her mother.  She
reminded him so much of Callie, which is why he named her that.

“Okay, okay!” he said.  “I got the same routine from your mother, now I’m hurrying, ain’t
I?”  She just put her paws on her hips and Jake got himself a cup of coffee.  He was
still drinking it as he hurried out to the car and drove off for New Central City

“Oh, dad?”  Callie said as they entered the school parking lot.

“Yes?” he said.

“If anyone asks, you lost your arm in a plane accident.”

Jake turned and frowned at Callie.  “You’ve been telling that story to your friends, again?”
Jake asked.  Not in an angry tone.

“Well, what do you want me to tell them?” she cried.  “That my dad lost it in a car
accident?  Dad, do you know how lame that sounds?”

“I DID lose it in a car accident,”  Jake said.  “Why must you go spreading rubbish
like that for?”

“Makes you look like you went out in a blaze of glory!”  Callie said as they
parked the car.  “Makes you sound really cool!”  She then grabbed her bag and rushed
out, leaving Jake behind.  “Please dad?” she called out as she turned around.

Jake threw up his paws.  “Okay, okay, I will.”

Callie made a kissing motion to him and spun around and took off.

Jake sighed as he followed her.

Jake was never asked about his arm during the game; he just sat on the sidelines, watching
the game as it took place and enjoying himself.  He hated lying to his daughters, but
he didn’t want them to know about how he REALLY lost his arm.  They were just too young.

As it turned out, Callie’s team LOST by just one point.  Callie was dirty, but didn’t
shout anything to the other team like she used to.  To cheer her up, he bought her an
ice cream, like he used to do when she was five whenever she got upset.

By the time they got home, the morning paper was already on his front door.  Callie
ignored it as she shot though the door and inside to the TV.  Jake stooped down and
grabbed it, taking it inside as he headed for the kitchen.

Kathin was waiting for him in the kitchen as he entered.  “So they lost, huh?” she
asked, sipping from her coffee,

Jake nodded as he poured himself another one.  “Yep,” he said, “Their star player got fouled

She made a sarcastic face and took another sip.  “Anything interesting in today’s news, hon?”
she asked.

Jake tore off the rubber band and opened the paper.  “No need to hurry,” he said.  “Let’s see
what’s happening in the world tod....”  He dropped off and literally dropped the paper.

Kathin didn’t like that one bit.

“What is it honey?”  she asked, reaching down to retrieve the paper from the floor.  “You
look as white as a ghost!”  She opened it to the front page and gasped as well.

“The SWAT Kats Return!” she read allowed.  She looked around to make sure the girls
weren’t here, then turned to Jake.  “Chance?” she asked.

Jake nodded.  “Dark Kat!” he growled.  “How?  How did he survive?”  Jake screwed up his fists.

Kathin sighed and closed her eyes.  She could see where this was leading.

“You want to go to Megakat City, don’t you?”

Jake’s mouth turned into a straight line as he turned to face Kathin.  “Yes,” he said.
“I have to.”

“Why?”  It was soft the way it came out.

“I never told you this, but, after Dark Kat’s body vanished from the morgue, Chance and I
made a promise - if he ever came back, we would too.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“After I meet you, I forgot all about it.  I never really thought much about Dark Kat
returning from the dead.  When we got married, I thought he was gone for good.  Twenty
years later, he was still gone, and -- and I just thought the SWAT Kat’s would never come
back into our lives.”

“Is there anything I can do to make you not go?” she asked.

Jake shock his head.  “I’m sorry, Love, but I can’t let Dark Kat roam around un-checked.
Chance knows it and I know it!”  He turned and picked up the phone.  “I’ve gotta get on
the next flight to Megakat City.”  He said and started dialing.


Jake stopped dialing and turned to face her.  “Yes?” he asked.

She cupped his chin with both paws, then slowly kissed him on the lips.

“Be careful.”

He didn’t reply, but just kept dialing.  Kathin sat back down and hugged herself.  She
didn’t know what to do.

I suppose I should be angry.  But, I don’t know.  What can I say - I’ve been expecting
this for the last twenty years.

Jake finished dialing and was now talking into the phone.

When Jake first told me he was a SWAT Kat, I fell for him instantly.  At first, I loved
Razor and half expected some menaces to come along so that he could whip on his
uniform and save the day.

Then, she frowned.

But, as time went buy, I fell in love with you, Jake Clawson.  No menace ever came, and
you never put on your costume.  Razor vanished into the wind, like dropping a stupid
high school crush on some movie star or singer.  But now, there’s a menace.  Now, you
ARE going to become Razor again.

She lowered her gaze to the floor.

So why aren’t I excited?  It’s because I’m afraid.  That’s why.  Afraid that he’ll
never come back.  Like a girl waving her boyfriend off to the war, cheering him on to
save his country, but silently wishing for him to drop that gun, pack, and helmet, drop
his responsibilities, and come back, sweep you up in his strong arms, and take you
away from all the madness, distraction, and fear.  Away from all of it to some far away
place where you and he never have to worry about things like that ever again.

She looked up at him as he was scribbling something down onto paper.

I wish there were some way to stop you, Jake Clawson.  Some way I could prevent you from
leaving.  But, I know I can’t, and I know that nothing can stop you from leaving.

She lowered her gaze to the floor.

And, I hate you for it, Jake Clawson.


“....has released a statement, confirming that the legendary heroes, the SWAT Kats, have
in fact returned.  Although only one has actually appeared, no one knows for sure if
the other will also.
      Ironically, today also marks the twentieth anniversary of the last recorded sighting
of the SWAT Kats.  Whether they were dead or retired it was unknown.  Younger people
today will not remember the SWAT Kats as they had battled villains such as
Turmoil, Dark Kat, Dr. Viper, Chop Shop, the Pastmaster, and even repelled Alien
Pirates.  Despite actual video recordings, a recent survey has shown that most high
schoolers consider them an urban myth.
      But real they were as they defended this city against evildoers for three
years before finally vanishing off into the night.  Even to this day, no one really
knows who they were.  Well, that’s all we have time for tonight - join us tomorrow at
nine o’clock for the news.  Here’s a preview of tomorrow’s top stories, so until
then, I’m Chance Furlong, and goodnight.”

“Annnnnnnd ---- We’re off!!!”  Johnny shouted back stage.

Chance dropped the papers in his paws to the desk, grabbed his cane, and left the room
as fast as he could.

“Going somewhere?”

Chance turned around, to see Ann, waiting for him, as he exited the news room.  She had her
arms folded and a scowl on her face.

“Yes, I am, Ann,” Chance said.  “Out.”

“It wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain blue and red uniform, would it?”

Chance nodded, not caring what Ann thought.  "Yes, Ann, it does.”

“You do realize you’re gonna get yourself killed, don’t you?”

Chance continued walking.  “Uh -huh!” he said, ignoring her.

Ann unfolded her arms and chased after him.

“Chance!” she called out.  “I’m not playing games here.  This is your LIFE, for Christ’s

Chance stopped and turned around.

“I damn well know what’s at stake, Ann!”  He said.  “Of course I know my life’s at
stake - I’m not stupid.  So’s yours, Johnny’s, Felina’s, and the whole damn city's as

“BUT WHY YOU?!?!”  Ann hissed.  “Why?  Why do YOU, have to go out there?  For the love
of God, Chance, you’ve survived your time.  What you did for this city is
respected.  No one will ever forget what you and Jake did, but that’s all in the past.
You’re old, you’re crippled, and you’re alone!”  She paused, letting the words sink in.
“You don’t stand a chance, Chance.”

“Ann,”  Chance said, leaning back on his stick.  “Do you think I pulled my sorry ass
outta retirement just for KICKS!?”  He growled ‘kicks.’  “Do you think I’m going out
there because I MISS being the hero I used to be!?”  He leaned closer to her.  “Do
you think I LIKE doing this?!  Do you, Ann?  Huh?!  DO YOU?!?!?”

“No,” she said, softly.

He nodded.  “I HATE doing this, Ann.  Look what putting this costume on has cost me.  It
cost me my one and only chance with Felina.  She’s never going to speak to me again.  Do you
think I put on this costume because of some boyhood fantasy?  Twenty-three years
ago, when I first meet Dark Kat, I tried my way to stop him.  It wasn’t
tolerated, Ann.  That’s when I realized, that if I had to bring this guy down, I had
to do things, MY way.  I HAD to become a hero in order to stop Dark Kat.  And, you
know, Ann.  It worked.  It worked for three years."

“But, look where YOUR way got you, Chance!”  Ann said.  “Look at your freak’n LEG for
crying out loud!”  She looked into his eyes with pleading ones.  “Please,
Chance, Felina and I want you to stop this,before it’s too late.”

Chance didn’t say anything.

“This is different,”  Chance said.

“Like hell, it is!”  Ann snapped back.  “I mean, Chance, do you HAVE to become a
SWAT Kat again?  I mean, sure, Dark Kat is back, but do you see Felina putting on
her Enforcer uniform and strapping on her side arm?  Do you see Feral strapping on
his gun and climbing into a helicopter?  Do you see Manx coming outta retirement to
become a panicky fool?  D-do you see Callie coming back from the dead to call you guys
into action?”

Chance winced at the mention of Callie’s name.

“Do you see Johnny grabbing his old camcorder and ME grabbing a mik, and rushing off to cover
you guys?!”  She looked into his eyes once more, hopping to find something, anything, to
grab a hold of and drag him back.  “Do you?”

Chance was silent for a few seconds.

“No, Ann,” he said, “I don’t.”

“Then, don’t go out there!” she said.  “Go home, or to Felina, or to.....”  She waved her
paws, trying to come out with something.

“Or to you?”  Chance said, finishing her sentence for her.

Ann said nothing, but dropped her paws down by her side and nodded.

“Something like that,”  she said.

Chance just stood there, leaning on his cane, with a straight face, not even muttering.

“I’ve got to go, Ann,”  he said.  “Dark Kat’s my responsibility.”  He turned around
and started to walk off.  “The Enforcer’s can’t handle Dark Kat, Ann.  You know that.”

Ann didn’t say a word.  She knew he was right.

“Somebody’s gotta stop Dark Kat, Ann.  And, I guess it’s gotta be me.”


In a residential section of Megakat City, Sylvester Mann returned to his rented room after
an evening of working on the latest Enforcer tank at Pyma-dyne.

The kat exited the taxi and paid the fare.  He then picked up his suitcase, and trudged
up the stairs to the door on the front of the building.  He had a full head of gray hair,
a brown trench coat, and faded clothes.

For he hopes to make the world forget forever the life he once led as Jack Smith....

As he stuck the key in, he tried to ignore the sound of someone approaching him from behind.

....let alone as ---

“Hard Drive!”

Mr. Mann released the keys, still in the lock.  “I haven’t gone by that name in twenty years.”
He turned around and saw who he suspected all along.  “What do you want, T Bone?” he said,
staring at the old hero before him.

“I need help,” T Bone said.  “You’re the best computer genius in this city since
Hackle and Greenbox.”

“Thank you, T Bone,” Hard Drive said, “But that still doesn’t explain your presence

“You don’t looked so shocked to see me, Hard Drive,” T Bone said.

“I do read the papers, T Bone,” Hard Drive said, “Now, I do have a name, can you call
me by that, please?”

“Okay,” he said.  “Sorry Mann.”

Mann nodded.  “Okay, now, the reason you’re here?”

T Bone looked around.  “Not out here - inside,” he said.

Mann opened the door, and held it open as T Bone came inside, then closed it again.
They climbed the stairs towards the top of the building.

It was huge.

There was space everywhere.  It reminded Chance of a warehouse, with equipment
lying everywhere, with things covered in white sheets.

“So, this is your lab, huh?” T Bone said, looking around.  “Pretty slick.”

“I take it you didn’t come out of retirement, and come all the way over to my place, just
to comment on my lab.”

“I need your help,” T Bone said.  “You’re the best genius in this city, Mann, and I
need some help in order to take on Dark Kat.”

It was then that Mann noticed T Bone’s walking stick.

“Oh,” he said.  “You need something to help you walk?”

T Bone nodded.  “That would be nice.”

Mann waved T Bone on.  “You’re in luck, Hero,” Mann said as he walked over to a desk covered
in a white sheet.  “As of late, I’ve been working on artificial legs.”  He pulled off the
sheet to reveal what looked like two metal legs.  “Do you remember my surge suit?”

“Yes,” T Bone said, “Numerous times.”

Mann chuckled, as he picked up the leg.

“Well, the feline body generates small amounts of electricity, everyday.  However, not
enough to be harmful or to power a light bulb.  My suit harnessed the very power inside
our bodies and, like a computer upgrade, increased the electrical power within us.”

“Thus giving rise to sparky,” T Bone said.

Mann chuckled again, this time, kept his grin.

“Ahhh, there are times when I miss the old days.”  He turned around and handed the
right leg to T Bone.  “Although, I never made much of a criminal, did I?”

“No, now, what does this have to do with the leg?”

“Your leg should have some damaged cords - that’s why you can’t move it properly.  This
leg, like my surge suit, will harness the electrical sparks within your leg and
increase them, thus giving life to your damaged neurons to SPARK, once more.”  He
grinned as he said the word ‘spark.’

“Okay,” T Bone said, putting down his stick, and rolling up his right trouser leg.  “Let's
see what this baby can do.”  He pressed a button on the left side and the leg split
in half and allowed T Bone to slip his leg inside.  Then, he closed it around his
leg and it clicked shut, locking into place.

“Just push that button,”  Mann said.

T Bone pushed the button and nothing happened.

“Is it working?”

Mann nodded. “Yes, it is,” he said, “what did you expect it to do, spark?”

T Bone chuckled.

“Something like that.”  He then stood up.  Then, jumped into the air, did a somersault, and
landed on his bad leg without any pain.  “It works!”  T Bone said, breaking into a
run and flipping and jumping around the room.

“You like?” he asked.

T Bone came jogging over to Mann.

“Yep,” he said.  He reached down and patted the knee cap.  “Works like a charm.”

Mann smiled, then, just thought of something.  “Hey,” he said, turning to face T Bone.
“Where’s Razor?”

T Bone didn’t show any expression.  “He’s coming,” was all he said.


The gang members all sat around the table, eyeing each other nervously while the
glowing eyes at the head of the table waited patiently for quiet to come.  When it
did come, the eyes narrowed, then the voice spoke.

“Gentlemen, I suppose you all know why you’re here?”

“Because you want us to sign all of our power over to you!” a kat said, halfway down
the table.

“Yes,”  Dark Kat said.  “I do.”

“Why?” another kat asked.  “You killed all our bosses - why should we welcome you
with open arms?  For all we know, you could be planning to kill us all!”

“I don’t,” Dark Kat said.  “But, I don’t expect you to believe me, either.”

“Then, what do you expect us to do?” another kat asked.

“Surve me,” Dark Kat said.  “My sudden return has sparked quite a lot of unwanted
interest, and I need things kept off my back until my plans can be fully completed.”

“What is it you want us to do, exactly?”

“Whatever you feel like,”  Dark Kat said.  “Run amuck, steal, terrorize, do whatever
your criminal hearts desire, just take the attention of the city off my back.”

“What do we get in return?”

“Whatever this city has to offer,” Dark Kat said, “Is what you will get.”  A bell
above the far end door, tingled, drawing Dark Kat’s attention before he turned back
to the guests.  “That will be all, gentlemen.  You may leave.”

They all grabbed their hats and got up and left.

After they left, Dark Kat got up and walked up the grand staircase, towards his bedroom.
She was waiting for him on the bed.

“Hellooooooo, Bobby,” a she-kat's voice said.

Dark Kat smiled at the figure lying on the bed.

“Hello, Dr. Staphos,” he replied.

She frowned.  “Dr. Staphos?”  She questioned, getting up as he came closer.  One side of her
mouth went up as she grabbed him by his cloak.  What the hell’s this 'Dr. Staphos'
crap, huh?”

“I thought you might like a formal introduction,” he said as she slipped one paw
inside his clack and started to play with his chest fur.

“Well, formal sucks,” she said, hugging closer to him.  “Call me Monica.”

Dark Kat placed one arm around her and hugged her back.  “What pleases, you, Monica.”  Then,
reached over, and turned off the lights.


“.....Four people were killed last night, in a senseless attack on ----”

“-----subway deaths reached an all-time high this ----”

“----Rape and mutilation of ---”

“--- found with their spines ripped out and ---”

“---Butchery of every member of the family.  A local gang organization is believed to
have committed this atrocity for money the family had, which was something under
twelve dollars.”

“---and, as if the recent return of the SWAT Kats were a green light for chaos, violence
is erupting citywide tonight.  The majority of it reported to be organized crime
related.  It’s like all crime in this city has joined forces to declare war on Megakat
City.  With the Enforcers powerless to stop them, it seems that the city is once again
in need of heroes.”

Chance sighed as he turned off the TV with the remote.  He shook his head.

It’s begun.

Chance picked up his walking stick and hobbled over to the bedroom.

He’s begun his reign of terror.  Sooner than I suspected.

He then reached under the bed and pulled out the artificial leg Hard Drive had made
for him.

And, I’m the only one who can stop him.

He then began to dress up in his costume.

As he works, he lets his mind drift.  Back to when it was a simpler time.  A time when
he had no worries.  It was a good life.  Then, came the day.

When he met him ----

Dark Kat!!!

It was a day like any other.  The sun was shining.  Spring was in the air.

*Chance, Jake.  Let’m go, It’s too dangerous!*

He was chasing the bad guy.  He was going to destroy Enforcer H.Q.  He was so close to

*Knocked out his weapons systems!  One more shot and Dark Kat is history!*

But, the Commander stepped in.  Caused the hero to falter.

*This is Feral.  Fall back you two.  I’ll handle Dark Kat!*

Caused the hero to plunge down.  Down.

*This is the last act of vandalism you’ll ever perform on this city!

Into the darkness.

*You're off the force!!!*




The hero was wrongly accused.  But, did the Commander care.


He got the sack.

That moment the kat grew up.

*Get back in the air and get back at Dark Kat.  And, at all the other criminal scum
who rear their heads in Megakat City!*

He became a hero.

*And this time...*

He became a Kat.

*....WE DO IT OUR WAY!!!*



The fat kat sat in his chair, the one fan in the room spinning around slowly.  The
rain splashed against the window behind him.  Five other kats, rather big, all
carrying assault rifles stood around.  The fat kat took a puff on his cigar and
then turned to the kat behind him.

“It’s true then?”

“It’s all still over the TV --- every channel,” the other responded.

“Then, maybe we should step up our activities, make major moves while we’ve still got


Everyone spun around as the door was kicked open.  In stepped Dark Kat, surrounded
by kats in black ninja costumes.

“What the--?!” sne kat cried.  The one standing behind the fat kat raised his gun.


Kats dived to the ground as bullets tore up the small room.  When the smoke cleared, the
window behind the fat kat was shattered.  Two kats lay dead, the rest had dropped
their guns.  Dark Kat stepped up to the Fat Kat and looked him right in the eyes.

“Do you know who I am?” he asked.

“Yeah!” the kat said.  “You’re that freak I seen on the TV news.  Dark Kat.”

“Do you know what I’ve done?”

“You used to be the greatest terrorist ever known.”

Dark Kat narrowed his eyes.  “Then, I’m not a freak.”


One of the ninja kats blistered the fat kat with bullets.  He jerked about, then lay

“I am Dark Kat!” he said, turning to face the survivors.  “I am now the NEW owner of
Megakat City.  Any arguments?”

They all shook their heads.

“Your boss wanted to doublecross me and paid the price.  Don’t make his mistake.”

The kats nodded.

“What do you want us to do?”

“Go forth!” Dark Kat said, waving his paw.  “Go out there and spread terror throughout
this city.  Make it suffer, make it burn, make it bleed.”  He grinned, showing his
teeth.  “For tonight, the age of Dark Kat has begun!”

“Yes, sir,” they said, and turned to leave.

Dark Kat turned to look out the broken and shattered window, watching the rain cover the

“Chaos has been absent in this city for far too long,” he muttered to himself.  “I
myself have been gone far too long.  This city has breathed a sigh of relief at the
sound of my silence.  Now, it will tremble again at the sound of my violence!”
“---is all he had to say.  And now, it’s over to Michael Bird for the weather report.”

               “Thank you Chance.  Hi, it’s all great to see you on this rainy Friday
afternoon.  Unfortunately for all those who wanted to have some outdoor actives this
weekend, mother nature isn’t being kind to the city.  It would seem that the rain that
has been troubling the Manx Park Golf Tournament for the past two days will
unfortunately be continuing over the weekend with heavy thunderstorms continuing
up until Tuesday.  On Wednesday, the storms will lighten up and will continue until
Thursday and we shouldn’t see Mr. Sunshine until Friday.  As you can see, the satellite
shows cloud buildup on the eastern area of the city.  Now, as we accelerate the cloud
movement, you can see that they will in fact linger over the city before the sea
winds blow the storm northwards.  That’s all we have for now - see you tomorrow at
the same time of 6:27 for the weather report.  Who knows, maybe the rain might lift
early.  Good night!”


The body lay twisted in a frozen cry of pain.  Eyes wide with fright, muscles strained in
an immortal scream.  A shadow falls across the body.


The figure approached, crouching down and placing two fingers by the neck.

She was so young.

The figure got up and closed the eyelids.

Dark Kat!  Why must you do this?  Why must the innocent suffer?  What did they ever
do to you?

The paws clenched into a fist.

All my years as a SWAT Kat I lived to protect.  Protect the decent citizens of this
fair city from the likes of you, now----

He looked up to the darkened skies.

---now, for no reason, you’ve declared open season on this city, turning it into a
place of fear, dread, and torment!

The eyes narrowed.

If you want to play it rough, then I’m game, Dark Kat.  I’ll play your game, and fight
fire with fire!


In the middle of the pouring rain, a pretty she-kat hurries down street.  She carries a
bag of groceries.

“---straight out of nowhere this comes.  And, do I have I my umbrella?  Surely not.  And
it I had my umbrella, would it now be raining?”  She shook her head.  “Surely not---”

“Hey, bitch!”

She spun around, and saw a dark figure in an alley.

“Come in here where it’s warm.  I need you, bitch!”  He reached out, and grabbed her by the
hair and pulled her into the alley.  “Com’n bitch!” he hissed, brandishing a knife.  “Make me
feel good!”


“Wha --?!”  The punk shouted as a robotic paw came though the window of a door
behind him.  As he stared at it, he realized it was a glovatrix worn by ----


Another came though on the other side of his head, this was a normal paw covered in
a black fingerless glove.  The punk struggled as the paws slammed his head into the
wall with a dull crack.  The punk went limp as he slid down the wall.

When the she-kat looked into the broken door, she saw no one there.



Two bank doors were blown off their hinges as four kats in black ski masks rushed
into the bank.  They then lifted up some sort of fancy looking bazooka and fired it at
the vault.  A red laser lanced out and blew a hole in the vault door.  As the smoke
spread though out the bank, they all put on infrared masks and rushed into the vault.

“Come on!” one shouted.  “We’ve gotta move, fast, before the Enforcers get here!”

They all opened their bags, and began stuffing money into them.

“Talk about easy!” one said.  “Like taking candy from a b----!”


“What the hell was that?” one asked.



“I’ve got’im!” oe shouted, bringing out his uzi, but was knocked head over heels into
the wall.

The last one, backed up into the wall as the dark shadow emerged from the smoke.

“A SWAT Kat?” he said.  “I thought you guys retired.”

“That’s what they all say,” he said.

“Well, too bad," the punk said, as he raised his gun and aimed it at T Bone’s
head.  “Cause now you are going to ret---”

Much faster than the punk expected, T Bone leapt forward and grabbed both his gun and
his head.  The paw with the gun he slammed into the wall, while smashing the punk’s
head into the solid brick wall.


  The punk was knocked cold as he dropped the gun and slid down the wall, a little
blood oozing from his lips.  T Bone was silent as he observed what he’d just done.  He
didn’t show any expression as he turned around and left.

As he neared the door, he saw one punk lying by the door.  He eyed the punk, or
rather, his AK - 74.  He then reached down and picked it up.  The punk had two ammo
belts slung around each arm and T Bone took those as well.

Not enough.

He then ripped off the punk's jacket and took off the bullet-proof vest underneath.
Then, taking off his own shirt, placed it on.

Now, I’m ready.

With the assault rifle, the two ammo belts, and the vest, T Bone vanished into a nearby


The rain splashed heavily down on T Bone as he drove though the pouring, darkened
streets.  He ignored it for he had other things on his mind right now.

This should be agony.  Like that night at Megakat Biochemicals.  After a night of taking
out thugs, I should be a mass of aching muscle --- broken, spent, unable to move.
And, were I an older kat, I surely would....

He slowed down to take a street, nearly losing it on the slippery road.

....But I’m a kat of thirty --- of twenty again.  The rain on my chest is a baptism.  I
am born again.

He smiled as he floored it down the streets.

I am justice --- I am vengeance --- I am terror.

His eyes narrowed.

I am the SWAT Kat!  Let the criminals of Megakat City fear me --- or fall!

“...Today, handed in a petition, demanding that Mayor Stewart Blane issue a warrant
for the immediate arrest of the SWAT Kats.  This has recently come as of the past few
nights the SWAT Kat known as T Bone has been taking on the Underworld in a rather
violent manner.
Although most of the crime bosses are dead, it seems that their organizations are far
from it.  During the past few days, the city has experienced a high series of crime
waves that seem to be an organized effort.
Despite the major effort, T Bone has been providing the city many people still want
him brought in, along with Dark Kat.  We will be holding a debate later on tonight on
whether or not, T Bone should be arrested.”


T Bone stood on top of the rooftop, watching the city.  The rain slapping against
him, almost throwing him over.  He stands there, watching the city, observing it.

“....ended up with a concussion, believed he may be in a comma for a while....”

You’re out there somewhere, Dark Kat.

“.....up in hospital.  This seems highly uncharacteristic for the SWAT Kat, as
he had spent his SWAT Kat days preventing this very thing from happening.”

And I’ll find you.  Even if I have to beat up every punk --- every crook --- every
snitch, in this city.  I swear ----

“.....Steel later today, issued an all point bulletin, for the immediate arrest of
the SWAT Kats.  Saying that they’re much worse than the criminals out there.  Many
citizens, excluding mothers, respect the Commanders decision, saying it’s the right
thing to do.”


“...Feral, who used to be the Commander of the Enforcers, during the time of the SWAT
Kats, made no comment as to the return of the SWAT Kats.  The Commander disliked the
SWAT Kats for many of the same reasons, but never made any attempt to arrest them, only
on a few occasions when they were framed.”

Crime!  Mass distruction!  Terror!  It’s the game, Dark Kat!  The game you USED to play!

“....The SWAT Kats have reportedly attacked and seriously injured three alle thugs, who
were robbing an elderly citizen on Megakat south side.”

You expect me to play your game, don’t you Dark Kat!

“....battered, wounded criminals are being found by Enforcers --- while witnesses
descriptions are identifying the SWAT Kat, T Bone, as being responsible.”

I should have known.

“...Believe that he should be arrested!  I mean, this whole nightmare didn’t erupt until
he resurfaced!  Listen --- I’ll tell you this.  If you toss in the victims from both
him and Dark Kat, combined, you’ve got the body count for a small war!”

No, Dark Kat.  You’re playing the wrong game.  The OLD game.

“It IS a war out there, Max --- In fact, I seem to recall that Dark Kat resurfaced
FIRST!!!  He started this war, not T Bone --- Though he seems to be the only one with
the balls to try and stop this!”

This time, It’s going to end differently!  You’re taking no hostages.

“Who gave this THUG the right to declare martial law - HIM?!?!  Last I heard, that took
an act of congress.”

And I’m taking no prisoners!

“Then WHO, is going to save this city?  Commander Steele?  He’s been doing sweet little
about this whole affair!  The only person he really cares about is T Bone?  What
ever happened to Dark Kat?  ‘The last time I checked’  he was still out there!  He’s
causing nearly all of this destruction.  Why not hunt and petition against him?!”

T Bone then started walking towards the fire escape.  When he disappeared from the
rooftop, a shadow appeared on a nearby rooftop, watching the spot where T Bone had


All these years

The shadow paused for a moment, then started moving forward.

We’ve come together time and time again, driven by demons neither one of us could
fully understand or explain.

The figure stopped, hovering just near the edge of the roof, looking down at T
Bone as he revved up his bike.

And now, I find you like this.

He shook his head, watching T Bone speed out of the alley and down the street.

I need to understand you.  Furlong.  I’ve been watching you closely since you picked
up your old costume again.  Watching --- and wondering.

The figure frowned.

Twenty-years have changed you.  You’ve changed, SWAT Kat --- And, I don’t like it.


The lightning lit up the night sky like day one more time, revealing the figure to be none
other than Dark Kat.

I don’t like it one bit.

Dark Kat lifted his gaze to the heavens, looking at the darkened rain clouds.

I’ve always looked upon you as the last decent kat: brave, self-sacrificing.  A breed
we see far too little in these corrupted times.  Is that why I’ve enjoyed our encounters
so much down through the years?  Do you remind me of a part of myself that was
lost.... Long ago..... in the mysterious events that transformed Robert Darkson into
the creature the media calls ... Dark Kat?

Dark Kat rubbed his chin.

Or was it lost long before that --- beaten down by a father who demanded
discipline.... smothered by a mother who refused to allow me to ---- Hmmmm.  I seem to
be growing alarmingly reflective these days.  A mid-life crisis, perhaps?  Or am I
simply, weary? Weary of the constant rounds of scheming and fighting and incarceration
and escape?

Dark Kat’s eyes narrowed.

You, at least, have always made the game worthwhile.  You and your partner.  Your
friend, Clawson, the brains, would always figure out how to stop my carefully laid
plans, and you, Furlong, would always be there to fight a physical round or two.  But, as
of late, you seemed to have changed.  As if my return has unhinged you.  Made you become
as much the blood-thirsty vigilante as those other villains out there.  Just like me.

Dark Kat then lowered his gaze back to the streets.  Then, began to walk away to his
Fear Ship, waiting for him just beyond the next building.

You may live... for now....   My old adversary.  While I continue to watch.  And
wonder.  And plan.

Dark Kat then vanished into the pouring rain.  A few seconds later, the sound of jet
engines could be heard, as the Fear Ship rose up and flew off into the stormy night.


Dark Kat stood by the window, looking out into the stormy night sky.  His
lover, Monica, snuggled up behind him.

“Whatcha thinking’ about?” she asked, rubbing his chest.

 “Too many things, I’m afraid.”

She didn’t care, and began to slip her paws inside his cloak, feeling his chest fur.

“Thinking’s a dead end.  I know that from experience.”  Her smile grew as she began
to turn him around.  “Doing on the other hand ---”  She then pulled down his head and
kissed him deeply.  “--- Is the key t’ life.”

Dark Kat enjoyed the moment, before he pushed away, walking over to his mini bar.

 “Robert --  What is it?” she asked, hurt by the fact that he didn’t want her.  “Are you
mad at me about what I did to Purvis?”

Dark Kat spun around, with a shocked expression on his face.

“Angry?  At you?!” he cried out.  “My dear, you’re the best thing that’s happened in my
life since ---”  He paused for a moment.  “Well.... in far too long.”  He turned away
from her to grab a bottle of wine.  “And, why would I be upset about what you did?  Heaven
knows you have good reasons to treat that mutated sicko that way.”

“Then, what is it?” she asked.

Dark Kat sighed as he poured himself a drink.  “It’s him,” he said.  “The SWAT Kat.”

She didn’t get it.  “I don’t understand,” she said.  “He’s just another one of those muscle-
flexing show-offs, right?”

Dark Kat shook his head.

“You don’t know them --- him --- the way I do.  I doubt if anyone truly does.”  He took
a sip from his wine glass.  “A vibrant, intelligent opponent.  So full of life and
humor.  And now, it seems, because of my miraculous resurrection from the dead, I forced
him to become nothing more than a grim and humorless thug ---”  He placed his head in
one paw.  “--No better than myself.”

 “Don’t say that Robert!  You --”

“Truth is truth, my dear,”  Dark Kat said.  “I’ve always felt that beneath their
masks, both T Bone and Razor were the same decent self-sacrificing souls that they
were in costume.  While I, on the other hand, have been hidden behind the cloak and cane
of Dark Kat for so long ---  That I’ve lost all sense of who and what Darkson truly is!
I’ve become my persona.  Not a kat...”  He slowly looked up at her.  “...But a warped
image of one.  And, apparently, so has T Bone.”  He half smiled.
“It’s slightly embarrassing...  How deeply I feel about them.  I’m actually shocked
by how much the SWAT Kat has changed.”  He shook his head.  “I never realized how
much I depend on them to maintain a level of feline dignity --- that I never could.”  He
lowered his voice.  “I think that’s the reason I wanted to become Dark Kat again.  The
reason I started this mass crime wave.”

 “Y’know -- I can’t believe someone as smart as you are --- can be so unbelievably
stupid.”  Moinca said.  “All those things you think you see in them ---”  She hugged
Dark Kat, snuggling up to him.  “--Are already in you.”

 “But Dark Kat---”

“Is the fake,” she said, silencing him.  “You’re Robert Darkson.  Always were.  Always
will be.”  She then began to pull his head down to her lips.  “You’re the one I fell
in love with, Robert, not Dark Kat.  And, I love you, Robert.  With all my heart.”

Then, they kissed.  This time, Dark Kat did not pull away.


Chance stood off to the left, watching all the passengers depart from the plane.  He
watched and waited, waiting for someone to come out.

He came.

Chance watched as Jake Clawson walked towards him.

Nineteen years.

They both stood there, facing each other, neither with any expression on their face.

It’s been a long time.

Chance broke into a grin and so did Jake.

Far too long.

They both cried out loud, drawing a few stares as they both hugged each other and patted
their backs, laughing.

It’s good to be together again.

“Welcome back, Jake,” Chance cried out, still hugging his best friend, “Welcome home!”

Jake was still smiling, as he patted Chance’s back.  “It’s good to BE home, buddy!” he said.

They just stood there, hugging and patting their backs.

“Okay, okay, enough of that,” Chance said, breaking away, “People are gonna think that
we’ve got something going between us.”

Jake shook his head. “You haven’t changed a bit,” he said, picking up his pack and walking
off with Chance.

“Speaking of change,” Chance said, “What’s this?”  He pulled on Jake’s busy

“A little pet project,”  Jake said with a smile.

“So, what do you want to do first?”  Chance said, as they travelled down the

“I thought you wouldn’t mind if I went to visit Callie,”  Jake said, going all

Chance didn’t say a word, but just nodded.  “Lets go,” he said after a while.  “She’s still
there where you left her.”

Jake nodded.  “That’s good,” he said. “That’s good.”

“So how’s Kathin?”  Chance asked, changing the subject.

“She’s fine.”

“How’s Ellen?”

“She’s fine.”

“How’s Callie?”

“She’s fine.  How are you?”

Chance smirked.  “I’m fine.”

“Still retaining that same small talk, huh Chance?”

“You started it first!”  Chance said, playfully pushing Jake.

“I’ve missed you, Chance,”  Jake said.

“I’ve missed you too, Jake,”  Chance replied.

They both laughed, and talked about where their lives had gone since they last talked to each

Together again.

Chance helped Jake get his luggage and head for the car.

After all these years.

Chance looked over at his best friend as he hopped into the car while he put his
cases in the boot.

Now, WE are finally ready.

Chance started the car and drove out of the airport.

Now, WE can take you down, Dark Kat.

He looked over at Jake, who was looking out the window at the scenery.

Look out Dark Kat, Dr. Viper.....

He smiled.


                         TO BE CONCLUDED.........