
This page is only for the series "SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron". If you have found this page from Google, please be aware that it is a part of the SWAT Kats Fan Fiction Archive and not a general beta page.

What is a Beta-Reader? - A beta-reader is like an editor for your fanfic. They read the story and offer you feedback on your characterization/grammer/spelling/plot, etc. If there is an area in which you feel you are particularly weak (eg: grammer or spelling), you might think about looking for a beta-reader who specializes in that area.

For Potential Beta-Readers:

Here's an example of the sort of entry you might submit:

I'm willing to beta-read fictions [of any genre/of these specific genres]. The rating(s) I'm comfortable with are [E only, E - K+, E - T, E - M].
(Then indicate how you wish interested authors to contact you. Ex: "Please email me before sending me a fic, I may be busy with other things." or "You can send me a fic at any time, but please link it to an HTML or DOC or TXT file." or "You can either send me a link to an HTML or DOC or TXT file, attach the file, or post it in the body of the email.") -- This template provided by Puss.

For Authors Seeking Beta-Readers:

Here's an example of the sort of entry you might submit:

I'm looking for a beta-reader for my fic [title], which is [finished, in-progress, not yet started]. The rating is at about [E only, E - K+, E - T, E - M]. The genre(s) the fic would fit into are [genre(s)]. Any interested beta-readers should contact me at [email]. I would prefer to send this as [format: doc, html, txt, in the body of the email].
(If at this point you'd like to include specifics that you're looking for a beta-reader to focus on, put it here. Ex: "I would like my beta-reader(s) to focus on my grammar and spelling." and/or "I would like the beta-reader(s) to focus on the interaction between the characters."; etc.) -- This template provided by Puss.

Both authors and prospective beta-readers should keep one thing in mind: Be polite. A beta-reader's job is to point out the flaws in a fanfic. It is not to tear the author apart personally nor is it to be the author's cheerleader. Both sides need to remember this.

Additionally, while the SWAT Kats Fanfiction Archive is offering its services to help beta-readers and writers find one another, we are not responsible for the actions of either party. Once you have agreed to either beta-read for someone or to allow someone to beta-read for you, it is your responsibility to abide by the agreement or to handle breaking it off.

Current Beta-Readers:
All beta-readers have volunteered only to read fanfics for the series "SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron". If you have found this page from Google, please be aware that it is a part of the SWAT Kats Fan Fiction Archive and not a general beta page.

  • Grant M. Baker: I'm willing to beta-read fictions of any genre, i.e. E-M. Although I would greatly apprecitate if you contacted me before you sent me your fanfiction as I may be busy with school or work. But, Swat Kats are always my first priorty in the evening. You can either send me a link to an HTML or DOC or TXT file, attach the file, or post it in the body of the email.
  • Adam Bender: I'm willing to beta-read SWAT Kats fictions of any genre. I'm comfortable with any rating. You can send me stories through my e-mail. Just put "Swat Kat fanfic" in the subject line. I prefer they be sent as an attachment in a .doc or .txt. format.
  • Alex Buie: I'm willing to beta-read fictions of any genre, i.e. E-M. Although I would greatly appreciate if you contacted me before you sent me your fan-fiction as I may be busy with school or work. But, Swat Kats are always my first priority in the evening. You can either send me a link to an HTML or DOC or TXT file, attach the file, or post it in the body of the email.
  • James L. King: I'm willing to beta-read SWAT Kats fictions of any genre. I'm comfortable with any rating. Please email me before sending me a fic, I do work a forty hour a week job and have several other interests as well. I prefer to recieve any fictions in .doc or .txt format, but .html is acceptable too.