NOTE: this is a prologue to my next story, "Early Dawning." It gives you a little backround on the villan of the story. Please tell me what you think: love it, hate, can't really care less....enjoy! ROSES OF TOMBSTONES prologue of "Early Dawning" I stand on the roof of a building of immense stature and stare down on the world, a world I have never regretted leaving. Not even when lights deck their cities and I can see their smiling faces, and I want to weep with the beauty of it all. No, not even then do I regret leaving. I don't feel guilt in taking these puny creatures' lives. They weep and beg for mercy, but in the end, they never struggle. But my last host's body has finally perished, I suppose from continous shifting and changing of shape. But I once was a part of the world that seethes below my feet, yes, once alive and expiriencing all the things mortals do. The feeling of warm sunlight upon me, the sound of children laughing, the scent of the flowers for which was named; the rose. I was the eldest surviving daughter of Lord Chesterine and Lady Fioana of Rose Claw Keep. Many called me "dark, aloof, with a heart of ice." They whispered I had dealings with the Devil, but when they asked me, my answers fulled even more speculation. Finally my father's steward, Gearth Ensclaw went to my parents and told them that all the peasents belived I, Lady Daughter of the Lord and Lady of Rose Claw Keep, Rose Serena, was a witch whom had deallings with the devil. My parents denied it, of course. There was nothing else the *could* do. If their eldest daughter was found to be a witch, they too would be condemmed. It was dishonerable back then to have even the *silghtest* blood connection to those thought as witches. Those foolish peasents were close, but not quite to the mark. Had they known what I *really* am, they would have fled the keep in terror. I am one of the Nameless, those who are what they wish to be. The peasents demanded I be killed or at least driven away, with my eyes and tongue put out to prevent me from re-establishing contact with the Devil. How stupid they were! Did they not know all things they cut from me would grow back in the space of a few short minutes? Ha! I still laugh remembering their pitiful stupidity. Ha! I left at seventeen, not because I feared what would happen to me if I stayed, but because they were so annoying trying to discover things that would link me to being a witch. I learned years later that the peasents created a huge story about me, it ended with the discovery by my parents that "their loving, yet dark daughter was one of Satan's Emissaries" and my burning at the stake. Ha! And now I search for the perfect host, one who will not wear out as easily. I will destroy the soul within and move my own awareness into the body. I will then feed, for I have not done so since the last body rotted away from around me. I sit and wait. It is out there, my new body. I hunger. To live I must take another's body, learn all their mannerisms. I *will* find this body. I *must!!* When I do, I will drain this city of all life, and make it my eternal home, for it is perfect for my needs in every way. ********The figure leaves now to serch for her 'host.' She passes unoticed by a sign that reads "Welcome to Megakat City......"*********** 'kay bye. Terra Chang Swat Kats fan, writer, nice person, totally crazy.