Quick Disclaimer: Use the disclaimer and intro story from last time. The Good Stuff, Part II by Barry Clawson Jake was so glad. After a few minutes, he started the car, and left the parking garage. The meadow was a long drive away. Callie really didn't mind. "So Jake, what are we having for lunch?" "Well, it's a surprise. And also, we are going to take the scenic route." "You clever kat. I'm going to put in a Tchypawscky CD in," Callie replied. "Okay. Now, lets chat on wedding arrangements." "Hmmm.... We would need the attire for all the bride's maids and for. . . .for. . . .But that will take days, even weeks." "Well, fortunatly I already made plans. All we have to do is send out invitations, call for the necessary items, and get the attire." ". . . .How. . . .?" "Easy. I planned this all weeks ago. Smart me, I guess." As Callie still tried to figure out how he did that, they sped on toward the beautiful meadow. _________________________________________________________________ _____________________ Back in the old section at Enforcer Headquarters, Chacne and Felina already searched one floor. "Maybe we should go over to the cafiteria for lunch, and . . ." Felina was saying until she saw. "Well look what we have here. A nice lunch for two, and some extras." "You cunning. . . . ." "Hey, I said I always thought of you." "Yea." As they looked through one of the rooms, Chance saw something that got his attention. "Hey, look at this. . . .this must have been from MegaWar II. Lemme look at the back, and maybe there will be a. . . . " "What? What does it say?" ". . . . It says, 'Lieutenent Commander Robert H. Furlong. . . . . . . .March 18, 1942'. . . . that was the day before my dad was born. . . " "Oh. Well, we can take that picture to your grandfather then. I bet he will be glad to see that, and. . ." "Look over here. A whole box of stuff of my grandfather's." When Chance looked in the box, he saw a gold bracelet, a map of the building, and a stack of journals. "According to this map, we are below the old Commander's office. And look at this bracelet. It must be 45k gold!" Felina then took ahold of the bracelet, and read the inscription. "Today, March 18, 1942, I am giving this gold bracelet to my loving wife, Shirley." Chance sat on an old chair, awe struck, and couldn't say anything. "Chance, are you alright?" Felina then waved her paw in front of his face, but that didn't do much good. She then slapped him across the cheek, and then he came to. "What did you do that for?" "Because you wouldn't answer me." "Oh. Oh. Heh heh heh. Lets eat lunch." "Okay." Chance then picked the basket off the floor and put it on an old desk. Felina pulled up a chair, and started to unpack the lunch consisting of pizza (with tuna, steak, chicken, pepperoini, ham, and sausage), a Caesar salad, white wine (Ernst & Julio Gallo), and caviar, with crackers. "Wow. What a selection!" Felina gasped. "There must be enough to feed an army. Well, not really. Just enough to feed two verry hungry Kats." "Heh heh heh heh heh heh he....er, sorry." Chance then thought, "What a nice day I'm gonna have." _________________________________________________________________ _____________________ Jake and Callie were nearing the meadow of their plans. "Oh goodie! I can't wait,"Callie was shouting over the wind,"until we get there!" "Neither can I," was Jake's response. They were about 2 miles from this secluded meadow, that was blooming with flowers, tall grass, goldenrod (That doesn't cause allergies. Ragweed does.) As Jake slowed down to turn down the road leading to the meadow, he said, "I really love you. It's just the way you are. So beautifu, so kind, so caring, so nice, so smart." "Well thanks for the complements. I needed them." With a few more minutes of driving, they were there. "Ahhh, that feels better to get out of the car." Jake saying, stretching. "Come over here." "Okay. But wh...." Her words were cut off by Jake's kiss. "Hmmmm, you kiss pretty good," Jake said cleverly,"and you're getting better." "Gee thanks." "Callie, could you help me with all these things??" a very *overloaded* Jake said. "Sure." was the reply. And they set up the picnic for the two of them. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Continuation soon!! Later