{TEXTGOESHERE}= notes to Reader ****** = time passes ------ = place change, not time **--** = place and time change SWAT Kats - The Movie, Part Ib - Time Mutations By: Jason (you don't need to know my last name!) (R)-FOR LANGUAGE PART Ib - Time Mutations [CARTOON WORLD] The Engines fired the craft out of danger almost immediately. A minute after the engines fired, Nostalgia was on a course out of the system. Jason: What Happened?!? Mr. Routney? Tim: Aye sir! We're out of our galaxy! Jason: What!?! Damn, begin scans for possible landing sites. Tim: Course 163 mark 2, M-Class Planet with signs of plant and animal life. Jason: (in his head) I have got to find someone, or some thing, to help us get back. (grabs left wrist) And, what is this strange feeling in my arm? ***************Some time later**************** Tim: (checks display) This can't be right! Jason: What is it? Tim: There is a craft similar to ours heading on an intercept course from behind us. Jason: I'm engaging cloak. Tim: Shall I raise shields? The other craft breaks off. Jason: No, the other craft is breaking off and entering the atmosphere. Follow it. After a while, the 2 crafts enter the atmosphere upon which their boosters disengage and basic jet propulsion is on line. It's raining. Tim: Commander, did you see that sign? Jason: What sign? Tim: It said, "Megakat City limits". Jason: Let's not chance it. There! The other craft is landing in that salvage yard. Tim: Only one problem - we can't land there! Jason: Have you forgotten our hovering thrusters! (he takes control of the flight path and gently sets down the craft in an opening) Just as the craft touches down, it reappears. The two human explorers exit the craft. Jason: We've got to get in doors and find those pilots! Tim: I'm all for that. Look - the office over there! Running through the pouring rain the two head over to a door labeled OFFICE. Seeing the clock and calendar on the wall (2:00pm), they reset their watches to the time and date. Jason: (knocking on the door) Excuse me, is any one in there? Jake's voice: Hold on. I'm comin'. Jake: Yes? Jason: Excuse me, did you happen to see a jet of some sort land here? Jake: Ahm, no. Look, we're very busy. Maybe... Jason: (sticking his foot in the door) I'm telling you I saw a craft land here, and I need to find the pilots! Jake: Look, I think you should come inside. Jason: Thank you. Jake: Chance! We got visitors saying they saw a jet land here. ********************************************************************** The two black out and when they come to, they find they're in a hangar tied up. Jason: (struggling) What right do you have tying us up! T-Bone: (angrily) You shouldn't have followed me! Razor: Take it easy, buddy T-Bone: Look, it doesn't matter. Just be glad we got to you humanoids before the enforcers did. They would have sent you for autopsy. Jason: I hold the rank as General Commander. Razor: Doesn't look that way to me. You're only 16. (holding up Jason's wallet and sidearm) Jason: (Still struggling) Pull out the rank card - third slot. The two Kats were involved in the info cards not hearing a sound like a Kat's claw extended. It was from Jason's left hand! Jay began furiously sawing the ropes. When he was finished, he looked at his arms. They were covered in fur. And, he realized, the same thing happened to Tim. T-Bone: Ah, here it is! He's telling us the truth. Untie Jason, Razor. Jason: No need to. (he stands up, brushing the ropes off) Razor: What the hell happened to you? Jason: Time Mutation. {duh, the title!} It was a theory where I come from. Tim stands up. Tim: This is really cool!! Jason: Can you excuse me. (looking like he's about to regurgitate) He runs into another room. When he comes back, Jason looks like Jake, and somewhat sounds like him. T-Bone, Razor, and Tim: Oh God! Jason: What!?!? Razor hands him a mirror. Jason: I'm gonna kill those fuckers! Damn them!!! Tim: Oh God, not me too!! (keeling over and falling on the floor) T-Bone: (watching Tim change right before his eyes) This is like something out of the Twilight Zone! Razor: I think we should... Jason: (Cutting in) Complete some DNA tests. I have the equipment in my jet. Now, if you don't mind, (reaching for his sidearm on the table) I'll get it. Razor: You don't know your way out! Follow me. The two exit the hangar. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [outside] Jason: Over here. I had landed it in the clearing just ahead. Razor: Why I can't see anything? Jason: You're not looking. (pulls something that looks like a TV remote, aims it at the clearing and pushes a button) Razor: My god! If we had this technology, no one could track us. What is it? Jason: (opening the canopy) K2C cloaking device, my own invention. As is the S23 invisible shield. Where did I put that analysis device?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Hangar] As Tim gets up, T-Bone notices that they both look alike. T-Bone: Not you too! Tim: What, do I look like you now?! T-Bone: Exactly! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Outside by the ship] Razor: Is this it? (points to a laptop and Petri dish) Jason: Yes!!! Bring it back in. I'll start the cloaking procedure again (climbs into the pilot/gunner seat and cloaks the ship, then gets out) The two head back to the hangar. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Hangar] Jason: Got it! He opens up the computer and types in "voice mode". Jason: Access file type 116 analysis (a set of pins slide out of one side). Jason pricks his finger and lets the blood drip on a slide and with the other hand types "scan". A DNA strand is shown on the screen. Jason: This is my DNA now. (pulls out another slide and pin) Razor, this will hurt a little. Or would you rather do it yourself? Razor: Certainly. (takes the pin and slide, does the same thing as Jason did) Now we might get an answer. (handing the slide to Jason) Jason: Computer, begin scan on subject DNA A and B. Computer voice: DNA is identical. The Computer layers the diagrams. They are identical. Jason: Well, Razor, it would seem we're brothers. Now do you trust me? Razor: (taking off his helmet and blindfold) My name is Jake Clawson. Jason: Jason Vonick. Tim, you might as well do the same to your brother. T-Bone: No need to see more blood (takes off his blindfold) Mr. Tim. Name's Chance Furlong. Tim: Tim Routney. Nice to meet you two, Jake and Chance. {Names of the SK go to real names} Jake: In this city we're considered the SWAT Kats. Jason: Back home we're pioneers. The first two to go faster than light. Tim: That reminds me - can we get back? Jason: I'm afraid not. The Helixian Engines can't go back. Besides, I can't reverse the mutation. Actually, nothing can. Besides, I've always wanted to be a hero. (looks at Jake) Do you think we could join your crusade for peace? Jake: Well, I've seen the technology; we could use it on the TurboKat. Well, can you fly? Chance: Whoever was flying that thing in orbit can really soar above me, and I mean that literally. Tim: So, you like our flying? Chance: Our? Jason: We both fly it. Unless in battle, he flies, I fight. Both Jake and Chance nod. Jake: Welcome to the SWAT Kats! Chance: Now choose fly names. Jason: Well, I was always called "Sacare" (Scar-eh) in my academy days. Tim: They called me "Cobra". Chance: So be it. Jake: One thing to make it official. (goes to a locker and brings back two SK uniforms and helmets) Here, welcome to the club. To be continued ====================================================================== Part II - Allies and Accidents