SWAT Kats Haikus --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Kemner's Haikus Crafty Steel weasel, from Enforcers to Police transferred by Feral. =^^=Paul Kemner Shifty, ferrous kat, gobbled by Viper's minions. Long Live Felina! =^^=Paul Kemner Forbidden question: "Are the SwatKats anime?" You newbies, beware! =^^=Paul Kemner Mega-extremist, Katfan without parallel. Be careful, he bytes! =^^=Paul Kemner Three-engine kat jet- we discuss your parentage. F-14 Tomkat? =^^=Paul Kemner Mac and Molly Mange, drowned and washed up on the beach. Hackle's grand challenge. =^^=Paul Kemner An oxymoron: Pumadyne Security? Have a third doughnut. =^^=Paul Kemner Huge mystery kat with a taste for explosions. Creeplings are his pets. =^^=Paul Kemner Neural neutralizer clutched in Feral's sweaty paw: "I don't deal with scum!" =^^=Paul Kemner Suit bestows mohawk, vast electronic powers, on scrawny hacker. =^^=Paul Kemner See Elrod Purvis: Dead, missing S O U L, now Doctor Viper. =^^=Paul Kemner Paul Kemner's Email address is: pkemner@bright.net --------------------------------------------------------- Brother Buford's Haikus T-Bone speaking: Watch this baby go! Fire max afterburners, now! You conscious back there? Razor speaking: Hey, watch it, T-Bone! I just fixed the Turbokat! Don't tax the engines! T-Bone's reply: Razor, I love speed - I'm gonna hit this baby hard! She'll stay together! Razor's reply: You *sure* about that? The rivets are popping out! We're coming apart! T-Bone: You're joking, Razor... Crud! We *are* coming apart! I'm setting her down. Razor: You should watch yourself! I know what this jet can take. Don't overdo it! Brother Buford's Email address is: buford@halifax.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to the main page --