DrJ- I haven't looked over this in light of your previous comments yet, but here goes! - hope it doesn't choke your email intakes. I'm going out on several limbs at once here since there are finally loads of show references. The greatest of which is the 'no kats in space' thing. I'll have to dig up the CiKatA tape and see what the refs were. I seem to remember a 'first kats in space' remark, though maybe it was something like 'first reporter in space'. This would fit with my leanings about the kats having a very limited fed'rl gov't if they have any at all. The prof. doesn't like to talk about his war record, and of course Tortie was not inclined to nail him to the wall about it since she wants his help. My skonk works at PD ended up citrus-related, since cats think it's really stinky. _This time_ I'll sit on it instead of posting it to the fanfic list. I promise! ************************************************************ The Tortie Papers - Part Four - "I'm off to see the Hackle, the horrible Hackle of Fuzz, 'cuz he's the Hack that's got the facts, if ever a Hack there was. If ever oh ever a Hack there was- the Hackle is one because, because.....becauuuuuuse, .... I'd have to be off to want to see Hackle!" Tortie loved singing her parody songs, but the only place she could sing was in her car. Ninety-nine percent of the kat population found her voice harsh and grating- the other one percent was comprised of the hearing-impaired and Annie. Annie used to sing along with her-perhaps the best indication of how strong their friendship really was. Anyway, she was looking forward to meeting Professor Hackle, despite her song. "Wow! Hackle really lives out in the Sticks! I hope Old Tiger makes it. Well, I've got a secret weapon now!" She patted her purse, which contained her brand new membership card for the MegaKat Auto Club. When she had left to get a job in MKCity, her boss and friends had chipped in to get her a two-year membership. "You really need this if you're going to insist on driving that old wreck!" they had said. She drove up to the beach-house/lab complex- it was hard to miss. "I guess that being a rocket pioneer pays well!" She parked in front of the garage doors, and proceeded up some steps to the main entrance. Either there was an automatic annunciator and camera, or the Professor had been watching for her, because he opened the door before she knocked. "Ah- so you are the young femkat from the newspaper? Welcome! Welcome! It is seldom that we have visitors, especially those interested in science! Come in, come in!" "I am honored, herr doctor Professor Hackle." Tortie shook his hand, and sat in a chair near the entryway, across from the professor. "As I mentioned on the phone, I am interested in improving my paper's coverage of science. I hope to become acquainted with your work and specialties. Then, when we are doing a story related to your field, perhaps I can call you to correct any of our errors before they are printed?" "Yes, of course! And you do not need to use so formal a title, since you are not my student, though it is good to know someone still has manners. You may call me Professor, Professor Hackle, or by my first name, Rhysun, if you like. It has been a long time since I had any students..." "Thank-you, Professor. I'm sure You have noticed that science is not well-treated in the press, with television being the worst offender. Either a fundamental discovery in basic science is derided because it has no immediate practical value, or the coverage is of the worst 'gee whiz' sort. I remember a TV 'science' reporter asking a respected biologist if he could grow trees that would bear ice cream cones!" "Yes, I saw that as well. Poor old Newton- he was quite flustered by the question. He told me that he could not properly explain the importance of his work on that show, and looked foolish, all because of that idiot's question." "You knew Newton Zyme, Professor?" "As a fellow scientist. His field was distant from mine, but we shared the same problems, in a way. Working for years until you think you have made a breakthrough, only to suffer setbacks! You must have the courage to keep working, the stomach to face your mistakes and learn from them. Even from your failures, you must learn something. What a tragedy, for his life's work to be cut short that way. His assistant, Purvis- he perished as they were preparing to announce a discovery as well. Yes- the path to scientific knowledge is often filled with dangers." "Speaking of dangers, can you tell me about your early work in rocketry? I remembered your name from when I was young." said Tortie. "I was interested in rockets, and travel to space- I wanted to travel to the moon. Your name and work were often mentioned in my books. Can you tell me about your early career?" "I was a student, studying both physics and engineering then. That was before the war, of course. It was important that you know some engineering, so you could design your own apparatus to test your theories. I saw a short newsfilm of your Reeowffft Goddred, and his first attempts at liquid-fuel rockets. The film only showed his rockets exploding as a joke, but I was spellbound. Yes, that was the way to control your flight. You see- solid fuel is good for fireworks, or for artillery, where you light your rocket and hope for the best. But for control- liquid fuel is the key! I wrote to him immediately, having a friend translate my letter. And- miracle- he wrote back! I began learning your language so that I could correspond with him." "He wasn't highly regarded here at the time, was he?" "No- they thought he was a kooky old kat. He had to use his own money to make his rockets, so they looked like toys. I was one of the few who would take him seriously. There were many parts and machines available to me at the university, so I could build rockets that looked more impressive. But his ideas were sound." "Is that when you were engaged as a movie consultant?" "Yes. A director came to the school and talked to me. 'Design a rocket that can take kats to the moon and back!' he said. I had been thinking about a multi-stage rocket at the time- so that is what I gave him. When the movie was shown, Der Katt in Monde, there was my rocket! The moon in that movie was a joke, it looked like summer in the mountains! But at least my rocket was right. My students were quite amused to see my rocket on the screen. Later in Kaatamunde, some of my co-workers told me that they traced their first interest in rockets to that movie!" "How did you begin working for the military?" asked Tortie. "The movie, of course, put me in their view. The university had funding difficulty, and I was approached with a wonderful offer. Unlimited resources, other scientists and engineers to work with. Of course, the preliminary work would have to be for military purpose, but the ultimate goal was to put kats into space! I and many other kats leaped at this chance, since armament manufacturers were the only companies hiring engineers then. Much better to have the hope of the stars eventually! They kept us in a camp- it could have been a prison but for the good food and other luxuries. We could not see newspapers or hear radio 'for security', but we were very well treated otherwise. And we did have glorious successes!" "When the war ended," Hackle continued, "some of us were brought here, and some disappeared, and we never heard from them again. It was much the same work, and the same conditions, with some new scientists to work with. When your military decided that they had all our knowledge, they let us go to find other work." "Was that when you went to work for PumaDyne?" "No, not immediately. I was tired of ballistic missiles, and wanted to get back to the work of putting kats into space. I joined what was to become your MASA. Ach! What a mistake. It was worse than the military. All that paperwork. They wanted me to schedule all my scientific discoveries. 'At 4:30 p.m next Tuesday, after finishing a cup of warm milk and a snack, I will discover the reason why the door seals do not work.' What nonsense. I began to see that we would never reach our goal, because we were always in meetings discussing what color we would paint the fins! Finally, in a particularly stupid meeting, I told them that I could get to space faster on a bicycle, and stormed out." "And you were right- still no kats in space! How did you come to work for PumaDyne, then?" "I was approached by kats from PumaDyne, but I told them that I was tired of designing weapons, and that I could not stand to attend any more meetings. One of them came back and told me that while he could not do anything about the weapons, that he could do something about the meetings. He proposed a 'CitrusFabrikenWerke A.G.'- a department so stinky that the meeting-mongers and schedule-slavers would stay away. It sounded like heaven for a scientist or engineer, so I decided to try it." "How different from MASA it was- no fools like Harley Street! No meetings. No bureaukats disguised as scientists vying for position. Every few days a kat would visit and ask 'Is there anything standing in your way? Do you need any materials or tools, or information from anybody?' and he would work to remove the obstacles. Working towards the objective was all. Bit by bit, though, I grew more tired of weapons research. They let me do some work for the space program, but most contracts were for weapons. Eventually I decided to retire and research my own projects for the good of Katkind, to make up for all the weapons of destruction I designed. And here I am." "Fascinating, Professor! Someday you must permit me to write your biography. So much history. Could you give me a quick tour of your lab, as well? I would especially love to see any work relating to space exploration!" Hackle chuckled. "Moon rockets are beyond my personal resources to make, unfortunately. Since I retired, I have been working on robots to work in dangerous environments, and help kats everywhere! Would you like to see my lab and some of my 'work in progress?'" "I would be honored, Professor." Tortie followed Hackle through several rooms. He apparently liked streamlined modern furnishings, and everything seemed well-made and serviceable. They came to some steps and descended to the level of the garage. Hackle pointed so several piles of beat-up parts and partially disassembled machinery. "This is the source of many of my raw materials. I learned to scavage parts from junk when I was a student, to save money constructing my first rockets. Now my old habits have returned, as I must manage my own budget for my creations. There are two kind young kats that work at a salvage yard in the city. They set aside promising machines and materials for me, and I pick them up in my truck." "Recycling in the service of Science- I like it! Say- your truck looks to be about the same vintage as my TigerTrack-12. I'll have to ask your advice on where the competent mechanics are in this area, so my car stays out of your salvage pile!" Tortie joked. "You aren't the only one with a limited mechanical budget, you know." "You should see the kats at that very salvage yard I was speaking of. I will give you their address before you leave." He led the way to a heavy fire door and hit a switch to open it. "Now this is what I call my hot room." Hackle turned to see that Tortie had jumped quite some distance to the side, away from the door. "Ha Ha Ha- this is my little joke for you, young lady, since you do not call me by my first name. Do you think anyone would give old Rhysun fissionable materials? No, I call this my hot room because I keep my forge, kiln, and welding equipment here. I would not enjoy it if a stray spark from my welder found it's way to the fuel formula I was working on yesterday. Here- come see. It is quite safe." "Ahh- What do you use such a big kiln for?... Rhysun" said Tortie as she dusted herself off. "You could make pottery as big as a truck." "Indeed I could, but I use the kiln to make ceramic composite panels. They are lightweight and strong, and resistant to laser fire. Now this is the clean room in which I create sensitive electronic components. Forgive me if I only let you look through the window, but one must be properly clad to go inside." Tortie looked through the window at the all white room. Hackle conducted her to another room filled with machinery and robot assemblies, some in sad states of repair. He continued: "This is where I assemble and test my robots. Unfortunately, none are in tip-top shape today." Tortie pointed to a battered chest-high tracked robot with a triangular head. An arm and many other parts were on a bench nearby. "You really seem to take the phrase 'test to destruction' seriously. Did this little guy fail his 'smoke test'?" Hackle looked puzzled for a moment, then brightened. "Oh- 'smoke test', yes. An engineer at PumaDyne told me that joke. The smoke is inside the machine. When the machine breaks, smoke comes out, and it stops working. Therefore it is smoke that causes all machines to work! Yes! A good scientific theory, well supported by observed events! This this little fellow performed very well, indeed. He performed a great service to MegaKat City, and even though it may take several years to restore him, I am committed to doing so." "You must tell me his story when I visit again, Rhysun. I thank you for talking with me and showing me your work. In addition to getting me the address for the auto-repair shop, could you recommend any other scientists in or around the city, that might be willing to act as consultants in their special fields?" "Hmmm... Since Newton's death, I know no kats at MegaKat Biochemical Labs, so you may have to contact the lab management. Street at MASA is a self-serving fool, but he may be the one to contact for their current projects. Lieter Greenbox is worth keeping an eye on, as a fellow tinkerer, though he does tend to announce findings prematurely. Be ready to leap out of the way- as you did at my hot room- if you are at on of his demonstrations. Oh- If you need information on quantum physics or chaos theory, there is a kat in the city you may want to talk to. He is a bit eccentric, so you may be put off by his manner, but he seems to have mastered those difficult fields. "What's his name, and how do I contact him, Rhysun?", asked Tortie, still taking notes. "He calls himself Schroedinger, just Schroedinger, no title, degree, or other name. If you want to contact him, you must go to his house directly. He does not have a telephone, and even generates his own power so his lab is isolated from outside influences." "I first heard from him after I had a discouraging and embarrassing setback in my work. Schroedinger visited me, and was very complimentary, almost worshipful. He told me that he considered me one of the greatest masters of our time," Hackle smiled, "and lavish praise from a fellow scientist and master of such difficult fields encouraged me to redouble my efforts. He asked me to join some sort of society that he was interested in starting, but I was anxious to get back to my work, so I regretfully declined. I will write a note of recommendation for you to give to him, since you cannot phone him beforehand." "Thank-you again, Rhysun. When I have time to visit him, I will tell him what a great help you have been! Next time you're in the city, drop by the Trib building and say hello." ********************* end of part 4 ************************** --------------------- Paul Kemner | "Many people appear to imagine that they cannot Toledo, Ohio | afford to have artistic surroundings, whereas pkemner@bright.net | the wonder is that they can afford so much ------------------- expensive ugliness." M. H. Baillie Scott --