Hi there! Here's my new set of adventures about my character Manga. Oh well. here it goes. Title: The Adventure Begins Author: Rebecca Mason "Come on, you guys. Are we going or not!!" Manga shouted into the house. "Sorry, Manga, but Harley's decided to pack a few things.." Manga stormed into the Furlong household and pulled Harley by the scruff of his blue t-shirt. "Hey, Manga, quit it. I still have to pack a few important things." "What? Like a change of underwear?" Ragina taunted him. "Well, yeah. And, I also packed a first aid kit, some food, drinks, and litter tray paper......" Manga cut in. "Okay, we get the idea, Harls. Now are we going or not?!" Manga's Pikachu Peeky agreed. "Pika pi pikachu." Finally, when they set off Manga scoffed at Harley's gear..... "I don't believe you packed all that just for a hike around MegaKat City!!" Harley's eyes opened wide. "WHAT?!! YOU SAID WE WERE GOING ON A LONG QUEST!!!!!" Manga and Ragina laughed. "Hahhh hahhhh, you're such a geek, Harley," Ragina added. "My Mum would go mad if I set one paw (foot) out of MegaKat City." Manga nodded and then said, "Hey, what's the matter, Harls? You've gone all quiet." Harley wiped away a tear and said, "I'm not a geek, am I?" Manga and Ragina suddenly remembered that Harley's family had been through hard times. Harley's father had disappeared eight months ago. Harley missed his dad, who had worked for M.A.S.A during the time with the alien Ci-Kat-As, had vanished. Manga then hugged him. "Aww, come on, Harls - cheer up. Let's go sight-seeing round the city." An hour later, they arrived at Enforcer Headquarters. The tall building looked dark and gigantic compared to the three kittens. "Gulp!! Well, here we are, you guys...." "The big chopper-shop." "The place where the latest high-tech machinery meets law and order." "The place where my big bro and his friend were kicked out." They walked up those stone-cold steps (the very same steps Chance and Jake walked down when they were booted out). Ragina felt a deep anger for what happened that day. "Grrr, that Feral! Why did he do that?" Manga was amazed. "Huh? I never knew that happened." Harley started to get interested. "How long ago was that?" Ragina thought back on the day when that happened. "Hmmmm, well I was twelve, so it was two years ago." "Oh yeah, Chance was twenty and Jake was eighteen." "Anyway, let's ask one of those Enforcers if we can go in." They walked up to one of the officers standing outside the building. "Umm, excuse me, sir, but can we take a trip round the building?" The officer laughed and just replied, "Sorry, l'il missy, but we officers aren't allowed to let members of the public in... if we were we'd all be on a doughnut break," the officer joked. "Uh-oh, coffee break.. Time to get Panther to take over my guard." The three kittens ran into the building quickly, but they soon banged into another kat. This time it was a female kat. She had black hair with white streaks down the sides and orange fur. She was Commander Feral's niece, Felina. "Hey, what are you kitts doing here?" She took the kittens outside. "Don't worry - I'm not angry but you kitts shouldn't be wondering about in that building.... You're lucky I found you and not my uncle!! But, that's in the past - now you kitts go play, okay?" Felina then waved and walked back into the Enforcer building. Harley then said, "You know she's pretty nice even though she's related to Feral." Ragina looked at Manga. "So, now what do we do, Manga?" Manga looked away from the building and onto the streets of MegaKat City. "We ask other katizens about what happened fourteen years ago." Peeky finally popped up from Manga's back-pack. "Pika Pika." "What'd she say, Manga?" Manga looked at her poke-pal. "She says before finding out anything let's get some sleep." They all went back to their own houses Manga snuggled up into her bed yawned and then dreamed of finding her true identity. Her little Peeky snuggled up to her mistress and fell asleep. The End?...... No way - there's still more to come.