"When Worlds Collide..." Part 7 By Mikazo Torres, Tauer, and Campbell ate breakfast in the shack as Jackson worked on the radio in the garage. Chance and Jake were busy fixing a small blue car and taking occasional phone calls. "Okay, we've got quite a bit of work to do," said Jackson. "We gotta find a way out of this universe." "Yeah?" said Chance. "How're you gonna do that?" "Doesn't your species have any experience in travelling in and out of universes?" Jake's eyes went wide with excitement. "Yeah, we have!" he said. "I was testing out a new device I had installed in the radar system of the Turbokat, when we got..." "Whoa, whoa, hold it," said Jackson. "What's the Turbokat? Is that your jet you were talking about earlier or something?" "Yep," said Jake. "Where do you keep it anyway?" "Er... well, we would kinda have to show you," said Chance. "It's kinda in our basement." Jackson took his wrench away from the radio and looked at them, wide-eyed. "It's in your basement?!" "Want to see it?" asked Chance gruffly. Jackson hesitated, and then slowly pulled his dust goggles up onto his forehead. "Yeah," he replied dryly. "Yeah, I'd like to see it." "This is very top secret," said Jake as he walked over to the hatch. "Don't tell anykat about this. We don't need a breach in our security." "You're the only one's who'd give us security," said Jackson. "Hell, I don't see why I'd want to tell anyone." "Follow me," said Jake, keeping his voice low. Chance walked over and shut the blinds to the garage windows. Jake then opened the hatch and climbed down, followed by Jackson. "Holy schlamoley..." said Jackson, staring at the large jet and hangar complex. "How did you build this damn thing?" "We didn't," said Chance. "It was here when Feral sent us to work here. We discovered it by accident, and just thought, 'Hey, why not make some use out of it?'" Jackson nodded and walked up to examine the jet. "What were you saying about alternate universes?" asked Jackson. "Oh... well, we got hit by a lightning bolt while testing my dimensional radar scanner, and after the bolt hit, Feral started firing at us!" Jackson wanted to ask about the radar scanner Jake was talking about, but decided not to interrupt. "We got back to the hangar, and Dark Kat was there... and he said we'd let him in and that we had to help him. I knew something odd was going on then." "Did you find out?" asked Jackson, looking at and around the cockpit. "Yeah. We had doubles working for Dark Kat there. And, we found them too. They were looking for a nuclear detonator." "We had a good catfight with them," remembered Chance, laughing. "I knew Razor was acting kinda funny, so I let him have it." Jackson chuckled. "So, how do you think you got there?" asked Jackson. "Beats me," said Jake. "We should try to find out," said Jackson. "You were testing a dimensional scanner or something? Think that had anything to do with it?" "Well, all that thing does is show the city in 3D polygonal form on an infrared map," said Jake. "Did you build it yourself?" asked Jackson. "I assembled it myself," said Jake, "but I got the parts from other sources. Like, the junkyard." "You also had some help from Professor Hackle," snorted Chance. "Who?" asked Jackson. "Does he know anything about this?" At first, Jake felt somewhat resentful towards Chance, but then he looked down towards the floor, thinking about the possibility. "Mr. Hackle might be able to help us with what you're trying to do," he finally said. "He's helped us a lot in the past." "We should talk to him about dimensional jumping," said Jackson. "As soon as possible, too. I'll tell you what, it helps to have a professional around when dealing with this stuff. Really weird shit can happen if you screw up with it." "I could call him," said Chance. He walked over to the telephone, picked it up, and dialed the professor's telephone number. Meanwhile, Jackson checked out the jet engines on the Turbokat. "Hey, can I see the insides of this thing?" he asked. "I was in the Air Force back home, and I want to see what this is like." "Sure," said Jake. He pressed the button on the side of the jet, which caused the cockpit to slide open. "Chance sits in the front of this thing," said Jake. "He steers it, while I stay in the back seat here and manage weapons." Jackson sat down in the back as Jake showed him the controls. Jackson examined the various components. "Jesus... I've never worked on anything this complex in the Air Force," said Jackson. "I ain't fuckin' touching anything on this until I know what it is. Do you have a manual?" "What for?" asked Jake. "We built it; we know how it works. All a manual would do is get discovered and show somebody we don't want to show how she works." Jackson nodded. Chance got off the phone. "Hackle said he'd be more than happy to help us," he said, "but he'd need time to develop something, and we'd need a way to get over there." "Where does he live?" asked Jackson. "He's got a home by the beach," said Jake. "With Feral toughening up his enforcer battalions, it would probably be safer to take a boat." "Should I get the other mercenaries down here?" asked Jackson. "We need an attack plan here." Torres and Tauer were in awe at the huge underground complex they just climbed down into. "Holy shit," said Tauer. "How did you build this hangar?" "We didn't have to," said Jake. "It was already here when Feral made us work here. We just turned it into our hangar." "And, you built that jet all by yourselves?" asked Tauer. Chance and Jake had a hard time being modest as they nodded. "She's our pride and joy," said Chance. "We call her the TurboKat." "Jesus Christ," said Tauer, his mouth open. "What weapons do you have on that thing?" "Cement guns, octopus missiles, EMP shockwaves, vulcan cannons and missiles... everything we'd really need," said Jake. "Can you commence airstrikes? Drop a shitload of bombs on a designated target?" "You bet we can," said Jake. "It also has night vision and it can pick up radio and electric surges and everything." "Jesus Christ," said Tauer. "Maybe our military should invest in these fuckers." "They made it out of all that metal shit out there," said Campbell. "Can you believe it?" Torres showed remarkably little interest in the jet, but was more intrigued by the stash of weaponry. "Is this where you keep your weapons?" he asked. "Sure is," said Chance. Torres examined the rows of interesting gadgets. The Swat Kats are definitely a little eccentric, he thought. "Maybe we could keep the ammo cans down here," said Torres. "That's not a bad idea," said Tauer. He and Jackson climbed up the ladder to start hauling the equipment down when the alarm sounded. Chance walked over to the phone and picked it up. "T-Bone!" cried Callie Briggs. "Dr. Viper has taken over the new Megaplex office complex and has infested it with plantimals! We don't know what his demands are yet, but he said he was going to unleash a mutagen on the city!" "Hold on, Ms. Briggs, we'll be right there." He hung up and turned to the mercenaries. "You want to help us out on this one?" he asked. " "Wait a minute," said Torres. "Plant infested?" "That's what she said," said Chance, changing into his Swat Kat uniform. "Then, I'm wearing woodland camo," said Torres. "Good idea," said Campbell, hurriedly changing into his woodland uniform. Tauer and Jackson followed their examples. Torres put on his gas mask as the other three mercenaries took out some camouflage cream and painted a tigerstripe pattern on their face with green and brown paint. "Excellent," said Torres. "I'm ready." "We extended the room a bit on the underside," said Razor. "Do you know how to rappel?" "Shit yeah," said Campbell. "It's part of our training. We did it from choppers all the time." "Great," said Razor. "Take these." He gave the mercenaries spare radios to communicate with. "You'll have to ride in the compartment underneath. We'll drop you off at the roof." "Sounds like a plan." The mercenaries swung themselves under the bottom compartments. "Alright, hang on tight," said Razor. The mercenaries did as he said. They were all sharing a sudden wave of anticipation and queasiness. The jet engines hummed as the platform lowered, and then they burned, sending the jet screaming down the tunnel. "GEEEYAAAAAAHHHH!" yelled all four mercenaries, the wind slowly being sucked out of them like a vacuum cleaner. The jet burst out of the tunnel and into the air. The mercenaries felt like their stomachs were going to come up through their throats. Jackson and Torres started dry- heaving. The trip didn't take long, however. Like a roller coaster, it came to a slow speed of 90 kph as it neared the infested building. Three enforcer helicopters flew towards the building from the opposite end. The plantimals swarmed at them and spit the corrosive venom at the helicopters. "Okay guys, get ready to land," said T-Bone. The mercenaries were feeling light headed, but when the TurboKat hovered over the building, the compartment opened and the ropes dropped out. The mercenaries rappelled down, landing on the top of the building. Just as the plantimals swooped around and started heading for the TurboKat, Jackson jimmied the door open with the hooligan tool and the four mercenaries made a swift entry. The TurboKat took off, the flying plantimals chasing it. The mercenaries moved down the staircase and then stopped to lean against the wall. "Jesus," said Campbell, "I need to rest for a minute." "Me too," said Jackson. They took a minute to regain their senses, and then continued down the stairs, keeping their rifles at high ready. They came across the fifth floor and stood on the sides of the door. Jackson kicked it open as Campbell sliced the pie and moved in. The four mercenaries moved down the hall. The hallway was completely infested with vines, tentacles, and other plant life. Many of the tentacles pulsated and waved about on their own. "Jesus, that's disgusting," said Campbell, watching a tentacle curl and extend from the ceiling. He pointed his machine gun at it and held the trigger down. The sound of gunshots and the smell of gunpowder filled the hall as the bullets smashed into the tentacle, causing it to dangle and fall from the ceiling. Satisfied, Campbell moved down the hall with the other mercenaries behind him. Four four-legged plantimals jumped out at them at an intersection in the hallways, hissing and preparing to attack. They were instantly met with the machine-gunning of the mercenaries. Their green carapaces were instantly shredded off of them as yellow liquid spilled out of them onto the floor. Campbell slapped a fresh magazine in his machine gun. The mercenaries marched down the long corridor, their boots crunching the remains of the plantimals. "Fuckers are slow, ain't they?" remarked Campbell. Further down the hallway, six flying, acid-spitting plantimals flew into an intersection and moved in to attack the mercenaries. Campbell fired a grenade from the M203 launcher mounted on his machine gun at a fire extinguisher down the hall and then ducked. The grenade exploded with a resonating boom and burst the fire extinguisher, sending shards of shrapnel at the plantimals. The plantimals, then being met with the machine-gunning of all four mercenaries, succumbed to the intense firepower and fell to the ground, yellow liquid pouring out of their gaping wounds. "Jackson, use your heartbeat sensor," said Torres. "Roger that," said Jackson, taking out his heartbeat sensor and scanning the area. "Hey, I got something on one of the lower floors," he said. "Let's take the stairs and see if we can find it." "Cool," replied Torres. The elevators and stairs were right next to the mercenaries. Jackson opened the door to the stairways and saw the elevator. The light above the elevator door blinked on the "1" position. Then, it slowly changed to the "2" position. "Somebody's coming up!" said Jackson. "Come on! Move it!" Just as they walked out of the stairwell, the elevator doors opened and six enforcers stepped out. The mercenaries instantly had their rifles pointed at them. "Weapons down and hands up!" yelled Campbell. Felina Feral walked out behind the enforcers, who were too stunned to do anything. "What's going on here?" she asked. "Who are you?" demanded Torres, aiming his weapon at the officer. Felina knew the mercenaries were helping the Swat Kats. "I'm Lieutenant Felina Feral, second in command," she replied promptly. "Second in command... where have I heard that?" wondered Campbell. "T-Bone said the second in command sympathizes with the Swat Kats," whispered Tauer. Campbell nodded. "What do you know about the Swat Kats?" asked Campbell. "I have nothing against them," said Felina, "and I know you're on their side, so I'm not looking for a fight." Campbell nodded slowly. "Fair enough," he said. "What are you doing here?" "What are YOU doing here?" asked Felina. "Trying to capture Viper. We think he knows something." "So do we," said Felina. "But, Commander Feral wants him in prison." Felina's radio came in with a transmission. "Felina," said Commander Feral, "what's your status?" The mercenaries squeezed the handles on their rifles, listening. "Nothing, Commander," said Felina. "So far, so good." "Have you run into the Swat Kats yet? Or those aliens?" "I haven't seen them," lied Felina, "but I know they're here." "She's being honest with us," whispered Tauer. "I think so," replied Campbell. "Good," replied Commander Feral over the radio. "They probably wised up and decided to stay out of our business." "Check," said Felina before clicking off the radio. She then turned to the mercenaries. "He thinks the radio is a toy. It gets under my fur." "HE gets under my fur... skin," said Campbell. "Be careful with what you say," said Felina. "He's my uncle, you know." "Oh... well, sorry," said Campbell. "But, he does. And, honesty is very prized where I come from." The enforcers, no longer hostile towards the mercenaries, began scanning the hallways with their rifles. The mercenaries looked around and kept their rifles at high ready. "What makes you think he's on this floor?" asked Torres. "We don't know where he is," said an enforcer. "So, we're checking every floor." "Well, why'd you take the fuckin' elevator?" asked Torres. The enforcer was taken aback by the abrupt question. "I mean, Christ, anyone would know the elevator could malfunction under these kinds of conditions, and, besides, it hums and dings and everyone and their goddamn brother can hear it coming, so it compromises the element of surprise. Best bet is to take the stairs or the fire escape, man." "We don't have the time to run up the stairs!" shot back the enforcer. "We have to get to the area quickly!" "Fine," said Torres. "It's not my ass on the line." "Anything on the heartbeat sensor, Jackson?" asked Campbell. Jackson pointed his heartbeat sensor in different directions. "That's uhh, negative... oh, wait. I'm getting something on the floor below us." "Do you know of any hostages?" asked Tauer. "We weren't informed of any, but Commander Feral can't seem to find the Deputy Mayor." "I'll go down there and see what it is," said Campbell. "I don't think any of those plant bastards can stop me." "Good luck," said Tauer. "We're rootin' for ya." Campbell walked into the staircase next to the elevator and down to the next floor. "Briggs?" called Campbell. "Help!" came a cry from a room farther down the hall. Campbell moved up to the room and kicked the door open. He noted the number on the door: 104. Callie Briggs was on the floor, a tentacle wrapped around her. Campbell blasted the thick end of the tentacle with his machine gun until it broke off. "Oh... thanks," said Callie. Campbell took her hand and helped her get up. She examined him. "Are you one of the aliens?" "Yep," said Campbell. "I'm Staff Sergeant Ron Campbell, Special Forces, from planet Earth." "I've been hearing a lot about you on the news," said Ms. Briggs. "You're with the Swat Kats now?" "Yep," said Campbell. "Why did you come to Megakat City?" asked Ms. Briggs. "We didn't really mean to," said Campbell, "but it's a long story. You're Ms. Briggs, right?" "Right," said Ms. Briggs shakily. "Deputy Mayor." "Deputy Mayor?" asked Campbell with a skeptical look on his face. "How in the hell could somebody with a title like that get caught up here?" "I was just inspecting this new building, and, by the time I was about to go out, the plant creatures had sealed the whole building off." "Are you the one that keeps calling the Swat Kats?" "That's me," said Ms. Briggs. "I have a device that lets me contact them when I need help. I'm pretty good friends with them. And, you don't seem to look hostile yourself. As far as I know, you're not intent on killing anyone here." Campbell nodded and clicked on his radio. "Hostage rescue successful on floor five, room 104." He clicked his radio back off and turned to Ms. Briggs. "Felina Feral's enforcers are coming up here. They broke through the perimeter. She's on our side, so I'll let them escort you out, okay?" "Thanks, Mr. Campbell," said Ms. Briggs. The enforcers could be heard coming down the hall. "And, when you get down there, could you do me a favor?" asked Campbell. "What can I do for you?" asked Ms. Briggs. Campbell leaned over to the Deputy Mayor's ear. "Can you let that cheese-dick Commander Feral know I told him to get fucked?" he whispered. Ms. Briggs giggled. "I've been wanting to tell him that for years. Mmm... maybe if it doesn't blow your cover." Campbell nodded. "Thanks." Two enforcers came into the door. "Ms. Briggs! Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine," said Ms. Briggs. "Thanks again!" She was escorted down the stairs and outside to safety. "I guess not everyone here is hostile," said Campbell aloud to nobody in particular. "The Deputy Mayor on our side? That could really help." Up above, the enforcers and the mercenaries had cleared several rooms. Jackson found the other spot his heartbeat sensor was picking up and they were moving in towards it. "Whatever it is is down here somewhere," said Jackson. "Down this hallway." A plantimal leapt out at Torres, but he dodged it and shot it to death. They came across a large double door that stood by itself. Whatever was sending the heartbeat vibes was behind it. Torres aimed his rifle at the door, standing sideways to it as he kicked it open. Behind the door, an enormous plant creature drooled, hissed, and thrashed its limbs. It dripped with venom and its gaping mouth sent a huge glob of corrosive venom in Torres' direction. "Shit!" yelled Torres, ducking and rolling out of the way as the venom splattered on the wall behind him. The venom instantly ate a hole into the wall behind them. One of the enforcers jumped in the doorway of the creature and fired off several laser rounds. Torres grabbed him and pulled him away as the creature swiped at him with its massive limbs. "Are you fuckin' crazy?" yelled Torres into his face. "Don't just fuckin' stand in the fuckin' doorway like that! You wanna get fuckin' greased up here?!" Before the enforcer could respond, Tauer turned in Torres' direction. "Torres!" he yelled. "Calm the fuck down and help us out here!" Torres let the enforcer go, took a deep breath, and threw a grenade into the room, followed by another one. The two explosions were followed by a loud roar. He then popped in, shot the creature several times, and then jumped back out. "It's not hurting it!" said Felina. "We need more firepower!" "You're right!" said Torres. He then got on his radio. "T-Bone, we need an airstrike! There's some big badass creature behind these doors on the top floor!" "We got your position, Torres," said Razor. "Where do you want it?" "About three meters in front of me," replied Torres. "You got that? Blow through the roof and bomb the shit out of this room." Razor activated the X-ray scope on the Turbokat and looked down at Torres' position. In the room he was standing in front of was the huge plantimal that had grown nearly as big as the room itself. "One load of spicy pepper bombs coming up in T minus 5, 4, 3," "GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!" yelled Torres. The enforcers and mercenaries ran down opposite ends of the hall and took cover. "2, 1,..." Razor dropped his load of two dozen small firebombs. The powerful explosion shook the building as the shockwave blew the door off its hinges and out into the hall, along with yellow ooze. Fire was slowly spreading through the hallways and onto the walls. "Bingo!" yelled Razor. "Jesus fucking Christ!" yelled Campbell into the radio. "Campbell!" yelled Torres. "Get to the roof as soon as you can!" "Roger that," said Campbell. Campbell walked into the stairway, blasting another flying plantimal dead before climbing a ladder up to the roof. "The smoke is too thick!" said Jackson. "I can't go in there!" "I can," said Torres. "You guys get to the roof." He walked through the fiery halls, his gas mask protecting him from inhaling the smoke. He turned in the direction of the enforcers. "You guys had better get the fuck outta here before the fire spreads any more!" he yelled. "Thanks for the help!" yelled Felina as the enforcers made their way out the fire escape. Torres walked into the room with the dead plantimal. All that remained was a flaming, empty, green shell of a carapace and lots of yellow goop. Torres looked around and saw the figure in the corner. He walked up to it and was instantly hit squarely in the chest by a thick green tail and sent flying against the wall. "Gyaaah!" Dr. Viper darted out and moved to another corner of the room. Torres struggled to get back on his feet, resisting the temptation to hurl a cuss word at Dr. Viper. "You're not going to capture me!" hissed Dr. Viper. He was starting to stumble around, the smoke wearing him down as well as hiding him. "The hell I won't!" said Torres. He dived at Dr. Viper and shoved him in the chest, pinning him down. "Alright, you sorry bastard! Where is Dark Kat?!" Dr. Viper paused for a moment. Perhaps this would be a good time to break off his alliance with Dark Kat. "I'll tell you if you... *choke* get me out of thissssss placcccce! *choke*" Dr. Viper shut his eyes, unable to say any more. "Jesus," said Torres. The fire was eating away at his PCV power. He took a breath full of hot air through his mask and walked up to Dr. Viper. He put his arms underneath him and lifted him up with a grunt. He then walked out the door and headed for the roof. Just as he stepped out of the room, the floor gave way in the large room and collapsed into the lower floor. "I got the fucker!" said Torres. "I got the fucking lizard! Hold up till I get to the LZ!" Torres ran down the hall as sections of the burning ceiling crumbled behind him. He ran up the staircase with Dr. Viper's limp form in his arms. Just as he neared the top, his radio crackled with a transmission. "Kats alive!" yelled T-Bone. "The LZ is hot! Sorry, Torres, there's gonna be a slight delay." T-Bone swerved to avoid the corrosive acid spitters, but to Razor's surprise, the acid homed in on their jet and burned three crisp holes in their wing. "Crud!" yelled Razor. "What is that stuff?" "Whatever it is, it's eating right through our wing!" Torres got to the top of the building and dropped Dr. Viper on the ground. "T-Bone!" said Torres into the radio. "Fly this way! I'll try to shoot 'em down!" The acid spitters spit three more globs of venom, which homed in on the jet. "I can't shake this acid!" said T-Bone frantically into the radio. "Maybe you should try fuckin' crack instead," replied Campbell, chuckling and aiming at the acid spitters. "Launching flare missile!" said Razor. He hit a button on his control panel which launched a small flare into the air, which burst into flames when it was safely out of range of the jet. The venom sailed towards it, missing the Turbokat by a long shot. "Bingo!" said Razor. "Now to get rid of these flying freaks!" The Turbokat sailed over the building with the acid spitters chasing it. Torres, having unfolded the bipod on his machine gun and mounting it on an air conditioner unit on the roof, began taking shots at the creatures. He hit an acid spitter four times in a row, knocking it out of the sky. "Hah! One in a million shot!" said Torres. Campbell and Tauer joined in on the action, with Jackson detaining Dr. Viper with ropes. Tauer missed most of his shots, but Torres hit an acid spitter twice as Campbell hit the other one once and grazed it four times. "Sniper school sure paid off today!" said Campbell, hitting the acid spitter again. The two remaining acid spitters flew at the Turbokat and spit another load of acid. Razor launched another flare into the air. "That's my last flare, T-Bone! We gotta shake these things, and quick! Torres, keep firing at them!" "Uh... we kinda have problems of our own," came the reply. An enforcer helicopter hovered over the edge of the building. A megaphone blared from it. "This is Feral!" said Commander Feral into the megaphone. "You four are under arrest!" "FUCK YOU, FERAL!!" screamed Torres at the top of his lungs, flashing his middle finger at the chopper. He didn't think the helicopter crew could hear him, but he didn't care. Just then, another helicopter flew over the building obstructing the enforcer helicopter. "Move out of the way!" blared the megaphone. "You're obstructing an enforcer operation!" Meanwhile, every katizen in the city who had their TV tuned to channel 6 could see the top of the Megaplex office complex with the four mercenaries on top and the large, smoking hole in the roof. Fire fighters were down below spraying the flames with powerful hoses. "This is Ann Gora with Katseye News," said the reporter. "We have just arrived at the scene of what appears to be a large scale battle between Dr. Viper and the Swat Kats. The aliens who crashed here just days ago are on top of the building, and they have Dr. Viper detained. Johnny, we have reports that the building is on fire down below and that the aliens may be trapped on the roof. Do you think they will be apprehended by the enforcers?" "It's hard to say," said another voice. "The aliens so far do not appear to pose any threat to the katizens of Megakat City. Just as well, there is no evidence that any enforcer deaths resulted in deliberate attacks by the aliens. Granted, they did crash their ship into a fish plant, but examination of the ship reveals that it was probably not their fault. They stole a limousine at the crash site, which is the only thing the enforcers could be after them for. However, security at MegaKat Biochemical Lab says that the aliens helped them in a dire katastrophe. We know they're working with the Swat Kats, but we can't figure out why. However, if there's any uhhh... indication of their abilities, I would imagine the enforcers would have a tough time apprehending these vigilanties." "It would really help us if we could get an interview with one of them," said Ann Gora. "If they're working with the Swat Kats, they must speak the same language. It seems that the firefighters down below are beating back the flames. Maybe we could land and get an exclusive interview with one of them." Down below, Torres fired repeatedly at the remaining plantimal. The stream of bullets tore the creature apart. "Thanks guys!" said Razor. "We'll rendezvous with you down below!" "Hold on!" said Campbell. "This chopper is landing. I think it's the press!" "Fuck 'em! We need to get out of here!" yelled Torres. "What the hell are you talking about, Torres?" said Campbell. "You're a Green Beret. Half your job is to get people on your side!" "I'd talk to 'em if the fuckin' enforcers weren't up there!" retorted Torres. "Yes, I've been trained in P.R. and all that shit, and I know it would fuckin' kill our P.R. if we shot the enforcers down. We'll just have to wait. Those reporters will get their chances." Ann Gora stepped out of the helicopter and onto the roof. "Sorry, we gotta make a beeline outta here," yelled Campbell to Gora. "You'll get your chance to talk to us later." The TurboKat started to land and the mercenaries got underneath the Turbokat. Ann Gora nodded and got back into the helicopter. The Turbokat rose into the air and Razor dropped the grappling hook, catching the bound, gagged, and unconscious Dr. Viper. T-Bone hit the throttle and flew the Turbokat away from the vicinity. Then, he turned off the jet engine and let the jet cruise down. "Where're we gonna take this Viper guy?" asked Tauer. "Let's take him out to the fuckin' desert so he doesn't know where we're hiding," said Torres. "Not a bad idea," said Razor through the radio. "We'll take him to the middle of the Mega Gorge." The jet slowly cruised down towards the dry, uninhabited region miles away from the city to question Dr. Viper.