Title: Omega 13, Chapter 2: Meanings Author: Purplepuss26 --------------------------------------- "I still can't figure out what happened to you back in that lab," Chance asked a confused Jake. "I know, it's as if... I don't know - something is watching us, but that is just silly." "You know, I just want you to know you can tell me anything. I won't tell anyone else - I swear on my life," said Chance as he walked out to the garage. "Why did he say that? Does he know there is something wrong? Maybe I should tell him, or maybe I should figure these dreams out myself first," Jake asked himself as he also went to join Chance fixing the cars in silence, apart from the radio, which was broadcasting last night's explosion. --------------------------------------- In a cave, at the edge of Megakat City, two figures tried to come up with a plan. "So, have you found out what went wrong last time? The Master is growing impatient, Shadow." "I know, I know! Wait a minute! What colour did the Dragon's Gem turn the second before *he* escaped?" "Um...blue I think, but that is just a wild guess. Why does it matter?" "It could be the answer we've been searching for." "It better be, or it may be your head." --------------------------------------- At Enforcer HQ, Commander Feral was none too pleased with the Swat Kats. "Why do those vigilantes always get in my way? If I could find out who they are, I would take them down." "Commander, Crystal's mother is ready to take her home." "Thank you, Lieutenant, I'll be right there." The Commander took his time getting to where the kitten was leaving with her mum. "Thank you for helping me find my mummy," Crystal said shyly. "Just don't get caught by those villains again, you hear?" Commander Feral stated sternly. "Ok, I won't." "Good, now get out of my sight." As they drove off, the commander thought it was strange how Dark Kat had taken her, almost as if he was after something. --------------------------------------- Back at the garage, Jake and Chance were going to take the Turbokat out to the canyon run. "Ready to kick some drone butt?" "I guess so." Jake smiled weakly. "Is there something wrong, buddy?" "Its nothing really. Maybe the ride will do me some good." "Ok, but I'm going to keep an eye on you just in case," Chance responded with a concerned look. Once more, T-Bone and Razor took to the skies. "Ok bud, the drones should be attacking any second," Razor called out. A dozen drones came at the Turbokat. Unfortunately for T-Bone, he didn't know Razor had sent them up with weapons. "Razor, I thought these couldn't do damage!" "Well, you have to expect the unexpected in our line of work." "Yeah, well...warn me next time, will ya'?" T-Bone stated. Luckily for Razor, the klaxon sounded. "Yes, Miss Briggs?" "Swat Kats, the City is under attack by giant robots." "We're on our way," the duo said together. --------------------------------------- "I think we can find *him* by his energy signature. It is possible that that report on the Swat Kat making it out of that lab was *him*." "How can you be sure, Shadow?" "It is simple. I've been monitoring his energy output for some time now. I think I need to witness him in action for myself." "Of course, I believe they are on their way now." "Let's move." --------------------------------------- "Can you get a lock-on?" "Locking scrambler missiles... Deployed." The robot stopped in mid-step and fell to pieces. "Bingo! They don't make robots like they used to!" shouted Razor. "Come on, buddy - let's get back to the hangar." --------------------------------------- On top of Megakat Tower, the evil duo hatched their scheme on capturing the Omega 13. "This plan is fool proof." "Really? So, you can't ruin it then, hey, Shadow?" "Shut up! Ok, you know I remember that the power Omega 13 has is the exact one being emitted from the Dragon's Gem." "So?" "Well, my dear Dream Weaver, we can cause him to be weakened. Maybe not in power, but in illness." Shadow ran off, perhaps back to the labs. "Hey, wait for me!" Dream Weaver called as she ran after him. --------------------------------------- Back at the hangar.... "You gonna order the pizza or not?" "Let me guess, Scardy Kat is on?" "Darn tooting." Chance ran and settled down on the couch with Scardy Kat on. "I think I'll turn the heating down - it's getting a bit warm in here." --------------------------------------- After the pizza arrived, Chance was still watching Scardy Kat, and Jake was running a diagnostic on the Turbokat. "Man, I guess I have been working too hard - I feel like I could collapse. Maybe I should relax like Chance said." Just then, Scardy Kat finished, so Chance, having nothing better to do, went to check on Jake. "Hey, Jake, how's the Turbokat?" He was hiding any concern at this time. "Well, she just needs refueling, otherwise she's fine," came the reply. "Speaking of which, you look like you could use one - why don't you turn in?" "Well, I wouldn't like to leave the Turbokat without fuel." "I can handle that, just go get forty winks." Jake walked off to bed without any argument; he knew Chance was right. Chance, on the other hand, had grown even more concerned. "He definitely hasn't been his merry self lately. Hopefully I 'm worrying over nothing, but still I'll check on him when he's asleep." --------------------------------------- "Its working. The power output is fluctuating, just like I planned. Now, all that is left to do is take him in Swat Kat form." "You do realise his partner won't let him go if he is sick." "If we capture both, then would you be happy, Dream Weaver?" "Fine, blow this plan like the rest. I'll just stand by to pick up what's left." "You worry too much. We can't lose." --------------------------------------- Later that night, Chance got out of bed without a sound. Quietly, he slid down the corridor to Jake's room. Jake was having another nightmare. Running, running away, away from the place, the place that I destroyed, they had to stop, stop hurting people, using me for evil. "I won't go back - you can't take me back." Fortunately for Chance, he caught what Jake was muttering in his sleep. He grew even more worried. "Oh man, Jake... Why do you have to do this to me?" Chance, as he was about to leave, caught what looked like sweat. "I guess I'd better check his temperature." Chance put his paw on Jake's head only to pull it away again. "Cripes, he's burning up! Lucky it's nearly morning." Chance rushed downstairs to get a wet towel. Putting it on Jake's head, he hoped the fever would break soon. "Man, Jake, I hope Callie doesn't call. I wouldn't want to do missions without ya'." With that, he fell asleep on a chair that he had moved into Jake's room. .......................................................................................................... Well, what do you think? Read and review. Purplepuss26@hotmail.com