Happy Birthday, Chance!
A Short Story By: Jayme Scholtes
A.K.A: Panther Furlong
E-mail: UniGirl1979@aol.com
Rating: G
Disclaimer: "SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron," its characters and concepts are copyright to Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc and are used without permission. All original characters belong to the author and Cassie Davis.

Panther awoke at the crack of dawn. 'Well, today is the day. Everything is set and Tabby and Jake have plans for after dinner tonight, so Chance and I will have the house all to ourselves. Now if I can just get out of bed without waking him up.' She looked down at the muscular arm around her waist and then turned and gazed lovingly down at her husband's face.

'Too bad he's always such a grouch in the morning or I'd wake him now. Oh well, once he smells the food cooking, he'll be up in no time.'

She carefully took hold of Chance's hand and slowly lifted it.

As expected, he responded by growling softly in his sleep and pulling her more closely against him. She waited a few moments and again gently lifted his hand again. This time, she moved even more slowly than before and she actually managed to get out from under his arm without waking him. She carefully moved her legs to the edge of her bed. She stood and looked back at her husband once more.

'Still sleeping like a baby.'

She carefully and silently dressed and then headed downstairs to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and got out the eggs, a container of boneless chicken cut into cubes, a green bell pepper and some shredded cheddar cheese. She found the large, deep cast iron skillet, placed it on a burner, and turned on the heat. She then opened the door of the pantry and got out a potato. She remembered she needed help with this and was about to go knock on Tabby's door to ask her for help when Tabby came into the kitchen looking rather grumpy.

"Hey sis, what are you looking so grumpy about?"

Tabby looked over at Panther as she poured a glass of milk and sat down at the table to drink it, "Oh, I just did not sleep well last night. I'd fall asleep for about an hour, then wake up and not be able to go back to sleep and then the whole thing would start all over again. I got maybe three and a half hours of sleep."

Panther looked sympathetic, "I'm sorry to hear that. I had trouble getting up this morning only it was not my fault. I woke up and tried to move Chance's arm so I could get up and he growled in his sleep and pulled me back against him. The second time I actually managed to get up. Boy, is he ever strong! Stubborn too. Do me a favor will you? Cut this potato into cubes for me so I can go ahead and brown them while the eggs are cooking? Please?"

Tabby grinned and walked over and took the potato and a small plate and a knife and sat down, "Do you want the peel or not?"

"Keep it. It's better with the peel anyway. Thanks for helping."

Panther was cutting up the green pepper as the burner finally got hot. About twenty minutes later, the enormous omelet was finished cooking. Panther put slices of bread into the six-slice toaster and Tabby helped set the table.

"Mmm, something smells really delicious!"

"Yeah, it smells like an omelet, my fave!"

"Well, here come the boys. Good thing I doubled the recipe."

Chance got downstairs first and came over to Panther and hugged her tightly, "How did you sneak out of bed?"

Panther responded, "It wasn't easy, believe me. I almost didn't make it."

He chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm starved, so let's eat."

"Okay, but since Tabby and I fixed breakfast, you guys get to serve it."

With that, Panther took a seat and Chance took a large knife and a pie server and cut four slices of omelet while Jake buttered the toast and placed it on napkins beside each plate. Next, Chance served glasses of cold milk. Everyone then enjoyed a leisurely breakfast.

After everyone had finished eating, Panther, Tabby, and Jake exchanged a look and Panther stood, "Chance, I have an announcement to make. First of all, Happy Birthday! Well, I'm sure you've sensed something is up, and you're right. We've made plans for today. First of all, we're going to Tiger Hill to visit our parents. It was their idea, they wanted to wish you a happy birthday personally. Then, we are coming back here for a very special surprise. So, let's all get dressed and get ready to fly over there."

Everyone helped clean up the dishes, and they all headed upstairs to get dressed. Panther selected a pair of patchwork jeans and a red sleeveless sweater. She then pulled the sides of her hair back.

Chance meanwhile put on his black, tight-fitting jeans and a pale blue sweater. He then combed his hair to one side and put on his watch.

Panther came out of the bathroom, "Aww, aren't you cute!"

Chance grinned and answered, "Why, thank you! You look very pretty. Well, let's get downstairs and see if the other two are ready."

They descended the stairs together.

Tabby and Jake were waiting for them. Tabby wore almost the same outfit except that her jeans were a patchwork of black and shades of grey. Jake wore a slate-colored sweater and dark blue jeans.

"Okay, so are we all ready? Jake, you're flying with me, Panther, you're flying with Chance. Shall Jake and I lead the way?"

Panther nodded, and they all headed downstairs to the hangar. Once there, they all jumped into the jets and donned their flight helmets. A few moments later, they were on their way.

"Greetings, Tabby, Panther, Chance and Jake! How nice to see you all again!" Dr. Temminck greeted them warmly.

Mrs. Temminck hugged each of her daughters and then her sons in law. "Please be seated. Congratulations on your birthday, Chance. So, how have things been over in Mega Kat City? Hopefully no villains have been giving you trouble?"

Each of the four kats took turns telling them about the goings on in Mega Kat City. Panther and Tabby's parents said that they had heard about Charity and that they were sorry and ashamed to hear that one of their daughters had turned against her sisters. They then presented Chance with his present from themselves as well as Panther, Tabby, and Jake.

He opened a long flat box and then removed a manila envelope and his eyes widened and he laughed out loud when he saw what it contained. It was four tickets to see David Litterbin, along with backstage passes.

"Wow! This is great! Thanks, everyone! You guys rock!"

Everyone received an enormous hug.

They all visited for a little while longer and then headed back to Mega Kat City for the show. They parked the jets in the hangar and took Panther's little red car to the studio.

Chance was acting like a kitten on Christmas morning. They sat in the front row and were some of the lucky kats to shake David's hand when he came on stage. They had a blast at the show, and, afterwards, they got an autographed photo of Chance and David together and one of all of them with David.

All too soon for Chance, it was time to go home.

"All right! I can't believe I just got to go to a live filming of the David Litterbin show, and I got to have my picture taken with him. Thanks, guys! That was great!"

Everyone had decided to go for tuna subs and fried herring sandwiches for lunch.

Afterward, they would split up for the night.

"Well, we'll see you guys in the morning. Have fun!"

Tabby and Jake were in her car heading out for the night.

"So, what do you want to do now, birthday boy?" Panther asked playfully.

Chance thought a moment and then suggested camping out on the beach for the evening.

"Is that legal?" Panther asked, sounding uncertain.

"I don't see why not. There's nothing to catch on fire and as long as we douse the fire before we go to sleep, everything will be fine. But, if it will make you feel better, I'll give Callie a call and double check. Okay?"

Panther nodded and, a few moments later, they had gathered three blankets, towels, and the makings for s'mores along with some other essential items. On the way, they picked up burgers and fries for dinner. They arrived in time to watch the sun set, and, after gathering some driftwood, they built a small fire. They turned on the radio and slow danced under the moonlight. They went for a moonlight swim and then snuggled by the fire and counted the stars. Finally, well after midnight, they fell asleep in each other's arms.