The Enforcer Days- Jake Writes Home By AJ Siytangco Whenever he had any free time at night, and whenever he wasn't peeling potatoes or scrubbing things down with Chance, Jake Clawson wrote back to his parents on the farm. He had been doing so since he decided to leave home in search of adventure. Naturally, he wrote several letters about the part of his life as an Enforcer cadet. He wrote about his opinions, his comrades, his training his triumphs and failures. Jake writes: Dear Mom, Dad, Josh and Jenny, Hello from hell! Just kidding, but I sure wouldn't want any of you to see me here now. It's night again, the only time a kat can really rest out here. What with all the training and classes and potatoes to peel. Ha! I move to the city from the farm to find some adventure and I still end up peeling potatoes. Ah, the farm. How are you doing, mom, dad? And Josh and Jenny, too. I know Josh is dissapointed that I left but, I'm a tinkerer not a farmer. You really should've let me modify the tractor, dad. Well, Josh is probably handling the farm better than me. Like I said, I'm no farmer. The base is chock full of things I'd give a years supply of tuna to get my hands on. But it's also chock full of work! Those darned instructors are working us into an early grave(Don't come running just yet, mom!). Thankfully, I have a great bunch of pals to help me through it. There's Ralph. He's the first one I met. An honest kat if I ever saw one. I'd really like to help him out somehow. He has a wife and kittens, and times aren't looking too good for him what with a family to support. So he turns to the Enforcers. He's a great martial artist. He's the higest in Lt. Tar's class, and the second is quite a ways behind him. Then there's Chance. A gruff, rugged kat whose attitude befits his huge frame. Chance is by far the strongest kat in the bunch, and the best pilot the Enforcers will ever put out. He's just great. I was assigned to play his RIO, and the first time we went up, man he took to the air like a tuna to water. I still have to work on not getting sick whenever he does his high speed turns. The three of us, Ralph, Chance and myself seem to have become the trio of mischief, even though most of what happens are by accident, like the time when we accidentaly... never mind. There are some things I'd just as well forget. Then there's Paul, the youngest in the group. He joined because his dad and grandad were Enforcers, so he figures he should follow suite. He's young and not too sure of himself. He sticks to Ralph a lot. I suppose, you could say their opposite poles of magnets. Ralph is older, experienced, more certain about life while Paul is young, brash and lacks self-confidence. Miranda is the girl he's taken a liking to. They seem to fit each other nicely. She's nice, and smart. Miranda joined because her mom and dad always wanted an Enforcer in the family (from what I can tell, she's got a pretty big clan, encompassing almost any profession!) Of course there's always a black kat in the bunch. In this bunch, it's Will Tailor. News is his dad is filthy rich, and is a major investor in Megakat city. That's probably why he acts as if he's somebody and picks on other kats, Paul being the first. Why the crud a rich kat like him would join the Enforcers, I can't say. He's not really "bad" as in bad to the bone. In fact at times, he tries to be good, to fit in. He's just so... irritating. Aside from a few skirmishes between us, he's pretty much a tolerated member of our training unit. Enough about them, have I got a story to tell! I join the Enforcers to find an adventure, and in the six weeks that I've been here, I haven't found much of it. But, I believe that lady luck may have smiled on me a bit today, even though I didn't think it was a blessing at the time. I was on KP duty when it happened. Earlier today I supercharged one of the Jeeps in mechanics class. We were told to "examine the vehicles, ascertain it's defect and return the vehicle to working order." Fine, I thought, no problem. Let me get my paws on the thing then let me go. A few minutes into the exercise, I knew what was wrong. Or rather what *were* wrong. A busted radiator, a loose fan belt, and a faulty gas line which caused too much gas into the cumbustion chamber and drowned out the engine every time it was reved. Standing there fixing the jeep, I couldn't resist the temptation to add a few things and change a few things here and there. It purred like a kitten! It could've done twice what the normal specs would indicate, I'm sure of it. If only I had the chance to test her out. Of course, that alone wouldn't have put me on KP. What did was that the jeep was Commander Feral's, and he didn't know a thing about driving supercharged vehicles. The instructors do that, bring in stuff that isn't working right and then make us fix 'em. Good practice for the students, and less maintenance kats to pay. Fine by me actully. It's this friend of mine Ralph who isn't very mechanical. But boy is he good in combat! His side kick is a... I think I mentiond that already. I'm babbling again. Back to Feral's jeep. Well... let's just say that his auto-insurance skyrocketed and leave it at that. So there I was peeling potatoes when my mechanics instructor, Lt. Bills came up, with another guy in tow. I had never seen the other kat before, but it was obvious he wasn't a soldier because he was in a lab coat. He looked as if he were just a little older than me. He glanced my way and scanned me from head to toe. "Is this him?" He asked the Lt. "That's your kat." They seemed to understand each other. I on the other hand was in the dark, so I stopped peeling and asked what this was all about. "Come with me, Jake." The guy said, "Let's take a walk." I was hesitant but Lt. Bills said he had excused me from peeling for a few minutes. Curious about this new Kat and eager to get away from spuds, I stood up and went with him. "My name's Gretty. Louis Gretty. I'm a scientist for the Enforcer R and D team." He waited for a reply. I didn't have one just yet. "I have to admit you're a bit of a surprise. I've been watching potential candidates, and initially, you weren't among them." I remember the first question that came to my mind was: "Candidates for what?" What he said next almost blew me away. "Candidates for a small, special class. Of researchers. We plan on investigating cutting edge concepts and technologies. Sound interesting?" Interesting? It sounded right up my alley. "Tell me more, doc." I told him. As it turns out he had acquired permission from on high to put together a class of, as he put it, "...highly driven, technically inclined and mechanically gifted individuals.". He intended it to be a sort of honor roll. He said it was voluntary, and if I joined, I would be exempt from mechanics class and machine shop. I didn't answer him. I thought things thru for a minute. He was very patient and waited. He probably noticed that I was hesitant because he directed me to their building. They have their own building! I walked in and watched as he laid his palm on a platform and the door opened automatically. I inquired about the palm-recognition mechanism. That was the first time I had ever seen one of those things. I said to myself, heck, if i don't join, at least I'll get as much out of this visit as I can. But in truth my desire to jump right in was waxing, and my hesitation waning. This guy had won himself a new disciple in yours truely. "The palm-print identification unit is really experimental" He explained. He went on to say that the fur on a kats paws are thinner than on most other parts, so the laser on the palm rest can penetrate and read the prints. But he said that it was still too crude, and some exceptionally thick hair on a paw could still mess up the reading. He was working on a more advanced design, maybe a larger palm rest which would allow a larger laser. I suggested a faster laser, or a more intense laser. Maybe even one which could fire at a certain frequency wherein the light would go past fur and stop at the plam itelf. We went on and on and on. If I try to write down everything we talked about I'd put you to sleep, so I won't. Anyway, that's all for now, mom, dad, fellas. Till next time... Love, Jake :)