
Tanya Tiger drove through Megakat City in Rita's blue car at a lively speed. Rita sat in the passenger seat and looked out the window wearily.
"Aren't you going a bit too fast?" she asked Tanya.
"Naw, just fast enough." Tanya casually replied.
Rita sighed with relief as the car slowed when they neared a red stop light. She stared as Tanya sat calmly with her paws on the steering wheel. What Rita didn't notice waas the gray car next to them was also waitng for the light to turn green.
Commander Feral sat in his car as he waited for the light to change. He was grubling to himself and didn't notice the occupants in the blue car beside him. He was running late and hating himself for it. He cursed the traffic light for making him wait.
It finally turned green. Feral gasped in suprize as the car next to him peeled off down the road. He went to turn on his siren only to find that he was not in his enforcer vehicle. He quickly cursed his bad luck again as he stepped on the gass and falloed the speeding blue car.
Niether Tanya nor Rita noticed their pursuer until the two cars were almost side by side. Tanya finally noticed the car in her side-view mirror.
"Now what do you suppose this guy's up to?" she asked.
"He's probably trying to pass us." Rita replied skeptically. "Though I doubt he can with you going at this speed."
Tanya shrugged and slowed the car to let the other car pass. They were now neck and neck but the grey car wouldn't pass them. Instead it started edging itself towards the girl's car, forcing them off the road.
"What's he doing!?" Tanya cried, doing her best to stay on the street.
"Tanya, do something before we crash!" Rita panicked.
"Chill Rita, we're not going to crash." Tanya said as she stepped on the gass.
The grey car sayed up right with her and kept trying to push her to the side of the road.
"I'm going to get this guy off my tail." Tanya was getting mad as she manuvered back onto the road.
The two cars raced down the street until Tanya spotted a mailbox in front of them. With perfect timing and one quick motion she rammed the car into Feral's, forcing him to collide with the mailbox. Feral hurried to hit the brakes after he knocked the mailbox from its place. He looked up just in time to see the blue car disappear from sight. He would have called it in but his communicator was busted. Besides, he had a pretty good idea who it was.

"Who was that mad man?"
"I don't know, I didn't get a good look at him. But you are never, ever dirving my car again!"
"Don't worry about that Rita, Chance and Jake should have my car fixed by now." Tanya said as she pulled into the salvage yard garage.
The two friends stepped out of the car and were met by riotous laughter Tanya recignized as Chance. They fallowed the noise and found Chance sitting on the couch and laughing at the T.V. Tanya walked up behing him and leaned over the back of the couch.
"What cha watching Furlong?"
"Scardy Kat." Chance said between giggles. "This guy really cracks me up."
Tanya looked at the flashing screen. A toonish kat walked wearily through a castle's corridors. The kat opened a door and was met by a hairy monster who handed him a bomb. The cartoon kat did a wild take complete with bugged-out eyes and a jaw drop as the bomb exploded in his face and Chance exploded again into laughter.
Tanya looked at her friend oddly.
"Chance, why do you watch this junk?" she asked.
"Junk!" Chance protested. "This stuff is great."
"I don't see how." Tanya argued. "It has no point or plot line. It uses the same gags in every single episode, and all the charactor can to is scream. It's like watching a rerun's rerun. Trust me Chance, there's better stuff out there than this."
"Hey, don't knock my show." was Chance's defense.
Jake then walked into the room.
"Hey Jake." Rita called. "Did you get that engine in Tanya's car?"
"Yep. It's ready and waiting."
"That's great. There's no way Tanya's going to dirve my car again after what happened today."
"Hey."Tanya argued. "That wasn't my fault."
"What happened?" Chance asked, finally taking his eyes off the T.V. screen.
"This crazed motorist tried to run us off the road." Rita exclaimed. "We almost crashed."
"Thanks to me we're here in one piece." Tanya added.
Rita frowned at Tanya who smirked back.
"Oh, I almost forgot." Tanya blurted, remembering the other reason she came. "There's going to be this really fancy party tonight. All the city's big shots are going to be there. And you'll never guess who's hosting it Chance."
"Do you remember Tyson Catwell from high school?"
Chance thought a minute.
"Hey yeah, I do remember him. Don't tell me he's moved back to Megakat City."
"Yep. And this is his party. Rita and I have been invitied. We want you guys to come with us."
Tanya's request took Jake by suprize. He didn't do very well at social events and wasn't sure if he wanted to go.
"Oh no." Chance insisted. "There's no way I'm going to some stuffy formalist party. Especially if I have to wear a tuxedo."
"Awe, come on Chance." Tanya coaxed. "I have to wear an evening gown."
Jake desided he was going. v"Hey." Rita suddenly took charge. "You guys are going. Besides,"she added to Chance. "I bet you look good in a tux."
Chance sighed. How could he argue with that one?
"We'll pick you guys up at seven." Tanya called as she and Rita drove off in their separate cars.
"So tell me about this Tyson." Jake asked his friend.
"There's not much to tell." Chance answered. "Tyson was some nerdy little rich kid Tanya and I used to know. Kind of on the chubby side. Once Tanya and I stopped some kids from picking on him and he started tagging along with us. I think he had a crush on Tanya. He was a nice kid but still kind of weird. I mean who spells kat with a ‘C' anyway?"
Jake just shook his head.

7:00 that night, a red convertible pulled up outside the garage. Chance heard it pull up as he stood in front of a cracked mirror, trying to fix his tie which refused to stay straight.
"Hey Chance, you ready?" Rita asked as she walked in.
Chance turned to look at her and was stunned by the sight. Rita wore a sleevless light blue drees that only whent down to her knees. Chance thought she looked beautiful.
"I think we're ready to go."Jake said as he entered the room.
"Great, let's go." Tanya appeared in the doorway.
It was Jake's turn to be breathless. Tanya wore and elegant black dress that fit her figure perfectly. A rising moon shone at her back, luminating her features. She walked into the room and suddenly stumbled. She reached oua and grabed Jake's shoulder to steady herself.
"Darn these stupid high heels." Tanya griped. "I can't see how anyone can walk in these. They're giving me blisters already."
Chance chuckled to himself as he began to fidget again with his crooked tie. Rita saw this and selfconsciously straightened the tie.
"Come on Tanya," she said as she finished with the tie. "it's not that bad and it's only for a couple of hours." She turned to Chance. "There, that's much better. Shall we go now?"

Many kats were already at the party by the time the four friends got there.
"Not a bad turnout." Chance remarked.
"Yeah." Tanya agreed. "Let's go check this party out."
She grabbed his paw and the two of them disappeared into the croud. A stuffy looking buisness kat then tapped Rita on the shoulder.
"Brian." Rita said as she turned around. "How nice to see you."
"And you, too." the kat said politely. "I was hoping I could talk to you for a moment about this new buisness idea I have."
That was all Jake heard as the two kats walked off, talking buisness. Jake was left alone, wondering what to do next. He felt a light paw tap him on the shoulder. He turned to see the Deputy Mayor dressed in a pink (of course) evening gown.
"Jake." Calley said pleasantly. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"I'm here with some friend who seemed to have forgotten me." Jake explained.
"Then why don't you walk around with me then?" she flashed him a heart melting smile.
"Sure." Jake said as he walked with her into the croud.

vAround the middle of the party, Tanya and Chance were standing by the refreshments table wondering what to do next. Tanya could see the entrance from where she was standing. She gasped when she saw a large, serious kat step through the doors.

"Chance." Tanya tugged at his sleeve to get his attention. "That's the guy who tried to run us off the road today."
Chance looked up to see the large kat whom he instantly recignized.
"Don't look now," he told Tanya. "but that's Commander Feral himself."
"C-c-commander F-feral?" Tanya asked weakly.
Her mouth suddenly felt dry and she reached for a cup of punch and began to drink it. She looked up at Chance who was staring at her oddly. She didn't realize he was actually looking past her until she felt a heavy paw on her shoulder.
"Nice driving Ms. Tiger."
Tanya spit out her punch all over the floor, bearly missing Chance and nailing a few other guests. Tanya didn't notice as she spun around to face the large kat.
"Commander Feral." Tanya sputtered, choking on her punch. "I, I. . . didn't realize..."
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Ms. Tiger." Feral interrupted her stuttering and held out his paw.
"Call me Tanya." sha managed to say as she shook his hand weakly.
"And what about you Furlong?" Feral asked with more firmness. Chance, who had tried to look inconspicuous by hiding behind a potted plant, turned to face the Commander. "How did you get to this party?" Feral's voice was full of accusations.
"Hey, I'm with her." Chance pointed to Tanya. "I have as much right to be here as you."
Commander Feral frowned at the ex- Enforcer pilot.
"Uh, Commander," Tanya spoke up. "about what happened today, are you going to give me a ticket or something?"
Feral thought about it as some farely slow pop music began to play.
"I think I could let it go if you'll let me have this dance." he offered as he extended his arm.
"Deal." Tanya placed her paw on the crook of his arm.
The two kats headed to the dance floor, leaving a bewildered Chance Furlong behind.
"What is someone like you doing with that wash up?" Feral asked when they started dancing.
"Chance and I have been good friends for years, Commander. And I didn't come to this party so you can tell me how bad you think he is."
"I suppose Clawson's here, too." was his only response.
"Now don't go knockin Jake, too." Tanya told him.
Feral thought for a moment.
"Just what do you see in those two?" he finally asked.
"Perhaps Commander," Tanya tactfully replied. "the question is what don't you see in them?"

Jake was still wandering around with callet when the music started.
"Hey Jake, want to dance?" Calley asked.
"Okay." jake said shyly.
They both headed to the dance floor and were soon dancing to the slow music. Jake smiled to himself. He knew chance would have killed to be hin his place right now, dancing with the beautiful calley briggs. And yet, it had alwaysbeen one of Jake's dreams, too- to be dancing with the pretty blonde she kat he to had a crush on.
As all the couples danced on the floor, no one seemed to notice a tall, grey tomkat appear in a doorway. A sharp looking tuxedo fit perfectly around his muscled form. His thick, dark brown hair was slicked back. He smiled his handsom, heart-melting smile as he surveyed the party scene.
An older she kat walked up to his side. Her greying blonde hair fell in ringlets in front of her ears. She had very light brown fur and wore an elegent red dress.
"Tyson,"she said to the grey tom. "you need to get out there and mingle. This is your party you know."
"I know Mother, "Tyson replied, not taking his eyes off the crowd. "but I'm looking for someone right now."
"I know who you're looking for." Tyson's mother informed him. "It's that girl you knew from high school. I know what you're up to. You just can't set your sights on just one girl, especially when there's so many others to choose from."
Tyson only smiled. He kissed his mother on the cheek before disappearing into the crowd as the song ended.

Tanya walked back over to Chance after she finished her dance with the Commander.
"So how was your dance with Feral?" chance asked with a scoff in his tone.
"Very, uh...informative." Tanya aswered.
Chance turned his attention to the crowd when he realized he hadn't seen Jake all night.He scoped the room with his eyes for his partner.
"Tanya, is that you?" Tanya heard a voice say behind her.
She spun around to see a tall and handsom grey tomkatsmiling at her.
"Who are you?" she asked.
"It's me, Tyson Catwll."
"Tyson." Tanya declared. "Long time no see."
She looked over the kat she knew years ago. He had changed so much. She couldn't believe that the handsom kat that stood before her used to be that chubby little nerd that used to fallow her and Chance around in high school.
"You've changed a lot." Tanya told him. "You look real good."
"And you look as beautiful as always." Tyson said smoothly as he kissed her paw.
Tanya wasn't sure how to handle that statement. She looked around and spotted Chance still looking through the crowd.
"Tyson, come meet someone." Tanya pulled him in Chance's direction. "Tyson, you remember Chance Furlong?"
"Chance." Tyson greeted. "How have you been? Haven't seen you for a long time."
"Tyson?" Chance asked. "Don't tell me you're that same little nerd that used to hang out with us."
Tyson laughed as they shook paws.
"Yeah, it's me. I've been getting into shape these last couple of years."
Tyson wasn't kidding. He and Chance were now about the same size, both height and muscle wize. Rita then appeared from the crowd and walked up to her friends.
"There you guys are." she said.
"Rita," Tanya introdiced. "This is Tyson Catwell."
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Tyson said as he kissed her paw.
Rita was completely flattered by the handsom kat's manners. When Tyson's back was turned Rita mouthed ‘He is way fine' and gave Tanya an ‘O.K.' sign, showing her approval. Tanya hoped Tyson didn't see any of that.
Tyson turned to talk to Tanya. But before he could say a word Tanya noticed a familar copper colored kat out of the corner of her eye.
"Will you excuse me for a minute Tyson, there's something I've got to take care of real quick. I'll be right back."
And with that, tanya walked off into the crowd. Jake was still walking around with calley. Tanya didn' seem to notice the Deputy Mayor and grabbed Jake's arm and pulled him aside.
"Tanya?" Jake was suprized to see her. "What's the matter?"
"I need your help for something."
"I'm going to go up to the band and get them to play a really slow song. While I do that, I want you to make sure Chance and Rita dance."
"Together? You can't be serious."
"Come on Jake," Tany pleaded. "help me out here. I know they like each other. We just need to help them out. Please."
"Okay." Jake sighed.
"Great. Chance and Rita are over there." Tanya said before heading off to find the band.
Jake hoped Chance wouldn't beat him up if he found out he was setting them up.

"So, when did you and Tanya get back together?" Tyson asked chance.
"We just sort of found each other a couple of months ago." Chance replied.
"What's she doing now? Does she have a boyfriend or anything?"
"No." Chance automatically answered. Then he understood what Tyson was hinting at and he looked at him with a mistivous smile. "You still have a crush on her, don't you? I can'y believe it. All these years and you're still carring a torch. How cute."
Chance snickered while Tyson just looked at him with an amused expresion. A slow song began to play. Tyson looked around for Tanya so he could dance with her. He bearly noticed a smaller brown kat walk passed him and up to Chance.
"Hey buddy," Chance said to Jake. "where have you been?"
"Oh, here and there." He paused before adding: "Why don't you ask Rita to dance?"
"What?" Chance asked, making sure he heard right.
"Ask Rita to dance with you."
"Are you crazy Jake? She wouldn'y want to dance with me."
"It wouldn't hurt to ask." Jake insisted, steering Chance in Rita's direction.
Chance walked nerviously up to Rita who was leaning agenst the refreshments table.
"Um Rita, do you uh, want to dance with me?"
Chance was suprized by Rita's response.
"I thought you'd never ask." she said with a smile as she took his paw and led him to the dance floor.
Tanya appeared next to Jake with a sly smile on her face as she watched Chance and Rita dance to the slow love music. She was proud of her plan and she had to admit that they did make a cute couple.
Rita noticed the sneaky smiles Tanya and Jake were exchanging.
"I think we'ev been set up." she told Chance.
Chance looked in the direction Rita was looking. He saw Tanya and Jake who both gave him an energetic thums up.
"How do you like that?" Chance asked. "Those two think they're so sneaky."
"But you know what Chance," Rita said softly. "I don't think I mind."
Chance looked at her and she smiled back sweetly. The dance music was soft and low and the lights were dim. A warm, peacful feeling came over Chance as he looked into Rita's deep green eyes. He smiled as their faces got closer. Rita closed her eyes.
Suddenly, the wonderful mood was interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. Large thorny vines snaked in from the windows. Some broke through the floor and engulfed the room, grabbing any kat in their way.
Rita screamed. Chance grabbed her and steered her to the door where many of the uncaught kats were making their escape from the fast growing vines.
"Go. Get out of here." Chance ordered her.
"Chance, I . . ." Rita tried to tell him.
Rita ran out the door. Chance then heard another female scream.
"Calley!" he cried as he spotted the Deputy Mayor wrapped tightly in a large vine. "Hold on Ms. Briggs. I'll get you out." vChance climbed up the vine and attempted to pry it open. Another vine hit the side of his head and he fell to the floor. Vines where every where now. As Chance saw the chaos unraveling before him he realized he couldn't save anybody without some help. He raced through the vine covered room, dodging the killer plants and looking fer his partner.
"Let go of me you over grown huse plant!" Jake's voice sounded from above him.
Chance looked up to see his friend being held several feet in the air by one of the giant vines.
"Hold on buddy, I'm coming."Chance called as he climed up the plant to his partner.
"Don't worry about me Chance, go get Tanya, she's still in the building some where."
"Negative." Chance argued. "We need to go get the jet to take care of this mass and I need a partner."
Chance dug his claws into the plant. He thought he almost heard it scream as the plant loosened its hold and Jake slid out.
The tomkats raced outside to the parking lot. They spotted Tanya's convertable and dove inside it. Chance sat in the driver's seat. He felt under the seat and found the extra key he knew Tanya always left there. He hoped Rita didn't see them ad they peeled off toward the salvage yard.

Meanwhile, below the vine covered buiding, a few certain kats were singled out by the vines and were locked in a large steel cage. Mayor Manx, Deputy mayor calley Briggs, Commander Feral, Lieutenant Felina Feral, and Tyson Catwell spotted two glowing yellow eyes in the shadows.
"Ssso glad you could join me for thisss little get together." A serpant like voice hissed. The creature stepped out of the shadows, revealing his green reptilian skin and snake-like form.
"Dr. Viper." Commander Feral growled. "What are you doing?"
"Perhapsss the question iss what have I aready done?" Viper grinned maniaclly at his captives. "I've captured the city'ss commanding katss. With you as my captivesss the city will be mine."
"Not so fast ugly." said a forceful voice behind him.
Viper sung around as an orange fist collided with his face. The mutated kat fell to the ground. He looked up and saw an orange furred she kat in a black evening gown standing above him.
"I'll teach you to medle with Dr. Viper." the snake/kat screamed at Tanya.
He swung his tail towards Tanya's feet. She jumped to miss it and tripped on her dress and high heels. Dr. Viper wrapped his long, slimy tail around her waist, opened the cage door and threw her inside.
"You will be the firsst to go." Viper rubbed his aching jaw angrily.
"What do you mean?" Tyson asked as he helped Tanya up. "What are you going to do?"
"Mutate you into wonderful slithering creatures like myself." Dr. Viper pulled out a syringe and a jar of orangish liquid from his coat. "This sspecial fom of mutagen alsso containsss a mind control sssyrim that will force you to do what ever I ssay once you are mutated."
He began filling the syringe with the vile liquid.
"You're going to give me a shot?!" Tanya protested. "Can't I just drink it or something?"
"What'sss the matter," Viper taunted. "Don't like needles?" He laughed at Tanya's silly phobia.
"Don'y worry." Tyson promised Tanya. "I won't let anything happen to you."
"Yeah okay, calm down Tanya." she told herself as she breathed deeply. "You can handle this. Be brave. It's only a needle."
With her confidence partly renewed, Tanya looked up at Dr. Viper who was readying the syrim. Her eyes widened as he pulled out the syringe filled with mutagen. He pressed on it to illiminate air bubles. Tanya's jaw dropped as she saw the liquid squirt up from the hallow needle. Then he eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fainted to the floor. Felina and Tyson knelt by her.
"She's out cold." Felina stated.
Dr. Viper broke into riotous laughter.
"Sso much for bravery." he cackled. "Now she will only be easier to mutate."
The reptilian kat advanced toward the cage. Tyson stepped in front of Tanya's unconscious form protectively. Dr. Viper raised the needle, ready to plunge it into the first kat he could get a hold of. Suddenly, a boomerang came out of no where and knocked the syringe out of his claw. It shattered to the floor, spilling the mutagen.
"Don't try anything snake puss." Razor ordered from behind the crazed doctor.
"Sswat Katsss." Viper snarled angrily. "Sstay out of thisss."
"Not a chance." T-bone anounced.
"Get them!" Viper screamed to his monster vines.
The plants quickly swarmed into the sewers. The vines snaked towards the Swat Kats who fired turboblades, severing many of the mutated plants. But despite their efforts, the vines kept coming. Razor fired a special dart from his gloveatrix, hitting a large vine and pumping the contents into it. The Swat Kats could almost hear the plants scream in pain as they withered up and fell lifeless to the ground.
"No!" Dr. Viper shrieked in outrage. "What did you do to my beautiful creationsss!?"
"Plant killer." Razor frankly replied.
Dr. Viper saw that he now had no chance of winning with his forces destroyed. So he beat a hasty retreat down the nearest dark sewer tunnel.
"I'll go after Viper, you help the others." T-bone told Razor before racing after the villian.
Razor walked over to the cage and blew the lock off the door. Calley was the first to step out.
"Razor, I didn't even have a chance to call you." she told him. "How did you know we were in trouble?"
"We uh. . .happened to be in the neighbor hood and saw the vines from the jet." Razor lied.
"and it's a good thing, too." Felina remarked as she exited the cage.
After all the kats had evacuated the cage, Razor stepped inside and found Tanya out cold. He was too worried about her to notice the handsom grey tomkat cradling her head. Razor knelt by her andtook her paw in his.
"Tanya, wake up." he shook her shoulder gently. "Come on, snap out of it."
Tanya slowly opened her eyes.
"Razor? What are you doing here?"
Tyson was suprized that Tanya knew the Swat Kat.
"Saving you." Razor answered. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." Tanya confirmed as she sat up.
T-bone came slowly up the tunnel towards them.
"Sorry buddy, I lost him. Is everyone here okay?"
"Yes." Razor said.
"Good." T-bone pulled Razor aside and whispered to him. "We better get out of here and get back into our tuxes before Tanya and Rita realize we're gone."
"Roger that." Razor responded.
"Now that the situation is under control," T-bone anouced. "we'll be going now."
With that, the masked pilots made a hasty retreat back to their jet. Their sudden urgency to leave suprized Calley. Even Commander Feral found it odd. But he shrugged it off as he and the other kats headed up to ground level.
Tyson helped Tanya up to the street. He led her over to the front lawn of the building the party was in and gently set her down on the grass.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Tyson asked.
"I'm fine." Tanya asured him. Then she added: "it's too bad we didn't get a chance to catch up on old times."
"Then how about we get together for lunch tomarrow and do our catching up then?"
"Sounds good."
Rita ran up to them.
"Tanya." she cried. "I thought those plant monsters had taken you for good."
She hugged her friend.
"Shall we find our friends and get out of here?"
"Yeah." Tanya agreed as she stood up. "I should be going now Tyson. I'll see ya tomarrow."
Rita and Tanya wandered around the building for a few minutes before they found Chance and Jake. Rita ran up and hugged Chance.
"I thought you were a goner for sure when you stayed inside to help the others." she told him.
"Come on." was all Chance said. "Let's go home."
The ride home was not a quiet one. Chance, Jake, and Rita talked about the night's event the whole way back. But Tanya didn't say a word the whole ride home. She sat with her eyes glued to the road, paws on the steering wheel. She had a sweet smile on her face and a far off look in her eyes.

Back to Megakat City