EYES IN THE DARK:BEFORE THE DATE By:Amanda Taylor Aka:Martika Mea Auther's Note:This story was made before the story After the Date. In this story I warp to Mega Kat City to look for him and we meet when I was about to give up. I warped to Mega Kat city on a Friday afternoon in the sewers.When I got to nearest "Kathole", I sliped in and turned on my flashlight and looked around. I saw a fork in the tunnel and I looked for 1 whole hour. I was about to give up, when I saw two glowing eyes staring deep into my face with wonderment and anger."Well,well a tresssspasser and your not a kat," Dr.Viper said to me looking at me head to toe."And your rather attarctive my hairlessss friend." "You really think so?" I asked. "Yessss." he said. And just like that, he carried me to his lab. "Now then. What are you doing here by yourssself and why?" he asked curiously to me. "I'm from planet earth,my name is Amanda,and reason why I'm here is because of you." I answerd simply. "Why me?" he asked getting casual with me. "Let me put it this way." I said. I rapped my arms around him and kissed him on the lips. When Viper felt that,he couldn't resist holding me close. He jumped and clicked his heels. "Finaly ssome one who truly lovess and resepctsss me." he said. And that's how we met. THE END