(Well Here It is, the third installment in the series. Where The Swat Kats and their human companions fly their first mission. Above all though ENJOY!!!!- Pete.) AWB3- By Peter Vine. Sergeant Corbec had watched the Tv moniters one last time before going out on a perimiter patrol on the ship. He set the plane in autopilot and called for his callpilot to come to the control room on the com-net. Nothing. Then the net came into life. It was corporal Milo the co-pilot alright but he sounded as though he was in some sort of panic. "We have a problem!!" he stammered over the net. "What Milo??? WHAT??" Corbec demanded. "Genestealer infestation code 8 ughhh!" he moaned as he felt the monster's juices run through him. "Code 8!!" Corbec thought, highest code for a infestation. "Milo? you still there?" Corbec asked. "Yeah just" Milo anserwed. "I'm separating the ship ASAP, scanner shows no blips in my half of the ship. My astropath will send an emergency SOS signal to your whereabouts" "Go for it save yourself!" said Milo with his last breath he then groaned into his death throes. Corbec pressed the emergency releasy button and ordered the Astropath to send a signal to any Millitary ship or base within range of the Astronomincan. After the ship separated he set off for the nearest planet. looking back he felt hatred for the unknown invader that had invaded the Imperium from another galaxy. He was still thinking it when he heard a set of taps just above the control room. Corbec reached for his autopistol. Suddenly from above the ceiling collapsed and down with it came two Genestealers. "SYSTEM TERMINATION CODE 5 ALFA BRAVO TERMINATUS!" Screamed Corbec. "System termination command voice authenticatied" said the computer "to start auto-destruct sequence push lever HAUTO-D". Corbec fired wildly at the genestealer. He looked at it. It had four arm, two of which had heavy talons on them capable of tearing even twenty inches of titainium apart. It was purple and had razor sharp teeth. It was the perfect killing machine. It lept at Corbec, Corbec dived out of the way firing his autopistol. It hit the genestealer and tore its head apart. He stood there for a second trying to get a breather. Then a talon went right through him. Followed by a second, thrid and forth one. He turned to see that he had impaled the Astropath as well. With his last breath he kicked the self destruct secuence into action... Chance and Jake had gotten used to officers mess in the base where they had moved to. The local pub was equaly enjoyable and with a local american CAP base just up the road there was an amercan bar nearby as well. The base was basicaly an repair shop the only military traffic that is in the base is the ECID Harriers and Archers and a refitted TurboKat. Steve and Bill also were doing well, most of the time working out and at night going the pub or the bar to basicaly get drunk. The four were currently sorting out daily newspapers that intrested them, when they heard some slaming, some banging of some doors and some shouting. The shouting was between Comander Feral and Commissar Nickholas's secretary. "Bring him in for god's sake" Nick said as he pressed the intercom. Feral strode in and did not look a happy man. "What seems to be the problem Mr.Feral?" asked Nick looking at some documents. "I'll tell you what the problem is, you ordered the transfer of those two idiots before they paid off their debt to our society. Now if you do not give them back I'll...". "What take me and the department to court?" chuckled Nick. "You find this all a big joke don't you?" Sneered Feral. "No I don't" said Nick, his face now very stern and still looking at the documents "if you refer to the 'interdimensional treaty for new workplace employment systems' says if any person(s) would like to transfer in their job it is not just up to them it is up to their old boss and future boss to sort things out. Now you either aggree because I've paid the bill for the water tower and other assorted damage to the city from which film fotage suggests that you flunked up and used the two in question as scapegoats (defintion=People to blame i.e if I steal a book and my brother was with me at the time I could blame it on him, use him as a scapegoat!-Pete) now we would not like to see your 'touch wood' illustrious carerer go down in flames if a certain two Kats take you to court for unfair dismissal loaded with new evidence would we now?" said Nick with a smile that he always had with proud and arrogant people like Feral. "Are you balckmailing me?" Feral asked shocked after what he had just heard. "Well......yes, and due to interdimensional relations it looks like your hands are tied, you'll have to aggree with me and you can't speak out about it!" "Look if yo.." again Feral was cut off. "Good bye Mr.Feral" "But..". "GOOD BYE MR.FERAL!" "You will not hear the last form me!!!" "Yeah yeah don't let the door hit you on the way back please....mggdhdhd...Ha hahahahahah!!!" laughed Nick. "Ahh look" said Jake looking at the Megakat daily job appointments page "It's got our name on it!". "Great" said Steve "same here" he said while reading the London illustrated News. The four were in their office. Very small but not much in it that had anything to do with an office inside. There was a LCD hanging on the wall with Satelite and Cable connections, a fridge (icebox for all Yanks out there-Pete), and a coffie maker. The only thing to do with an office in there was a computer screen, and a touchscreen keyboard, plus a phone, fax and pinboard. "Chance, Jake, Steve and Bill please head to the breifing room" said the intercom in their office. "Well looks like we're needed" said Chance sipping his coffie. "Lets go and hurry up with that coffie, you know how Nick hates coffie in the breifing room" Steve reminded Chance. Soon they were in the breifing room (the place with the conference table in it) at the top of the table was Nick who as usual was looking at official papers. "Mornin men!" said Nick in his cheerful mood. "Morning sir" said Jake. It always sounded unfimiliar for him and Chance to say 'sir' again. This time round their superior was their freind for whom they held the greatest respect for. But it was the wierdness of it that reminded him of that fateful day of when the got kicked off the force and into that shabby old garage. He hated those first days until him and Chance found all that great stuff there. But he forgot about that and listened to Nick. "Now if you look to your screens I'll show you the mission in hand. On the screen is a picture if 'The Vengance'. This ship failed to call in on it's regular call in's set-up by the Imperial Space fleet solar in light of the arms embargo. Instead it set it's newly fitted dimension drive and blew into dimension space. It showed up on Comonwealth scaners twelve minutes ago. It's somewhere between Mars and Earth. My team have checked all the media connections to the public and have found nothing. The Secretary General of the second world UN, The Prime Minister and the Administratum of the Imperium have been breifed and we have decided to send in you four with two squad of Space marines in tactical dreadnaught armour provided by the Space Wolves Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes of the Imperium. They will provide tactical support and please remember you four are in charge of all operations concerning this matter. The marines will be under your overall command. If that ship and whatever that is inside gets to earth, it will have catastrophic effects on all three Allied Dimensions. Any questions?" "Has the crew been found?" asked Jake. "Only the ashes of the pilot of the ship his part of the ship blew up, the co-pilot and the rest of the crew are yet to be found. Ok then we shall clear the airways to let you lot through and remember guys, you have to get rid of all the people inside the whole ship, you will be breifed with new orders and info when you get there, anything else?...great dismised!". Later as the two planes were taxing off to the launch point. It consisted of a short underground runway which ended in what looked like a ski jump. T-Bone tried to remember the new take off routine: "Move in front of ramp, check vectoring postions for both still and rolling take-off, landing and normal flight. After you've done that you prepare for rolling take off and start movvinng!!!" he thought as he put the latter parts of the rolling take-off into motion. The Turbokat, with the ability to do new take off and landing movements fired up it's three Rolls Royce Dimension MkIV engines into full power and shot up the waiting ski jump and into air. "Now you know how you do it off a ski jump!" said Ace on the radio-net as he followed suit up the jump. "I know, quite a new expirience, amazing how you go straight up!" Returned Razor "Now ready to engage dimension mode in 5..4..3..2..1..go". "Roger that TK leader" said Silver "engaging in 5.4..3..2..1..go". The wings of both aircraft, already in their supersonic position now pulled back into dimension position, the engines flared as extra fuel was pumped into the engines then exploded pushing both aircraft forward. after a few seconds one of the aircraft began to disapear, then the other, soon you could only see half of the aircraft and then seconds later both disappeared into the hole. What lay beyond the hole was what looked like one big thunderstorm, massive clouds showed shadows of other warp traffic, even some long desserted ships condemmed to the warp after the engines on their craft shut down. The colour of the warp was a kind of bluish purple, the clouds deffinate blue. In fact everything was either black or blue, this was due to the fact that there was no proper light source in the warp, only the massive bolts of lighting comming out of the warp storms plus the glow of the massive engines needed to propel the craft to their proper destination. "Found exit hole, extending conductior" said Silver staring at his console looking for any signs of faults in the planes avionics. Soon they were in the frontiers of the solar system space. Then a small ship came into veiw, followed by another bigger ship. "Must be the suspect ship and the imperial ship." commented Razor. "ATTENTION incoming message from ECID HQ sender Commisar Nickohlas." the computer said. Suddenly Nick's face appered on the screen.