actionkats.jpg Color; Jake and Chance ready for anything.
babyjake.jpg Color; A very, very young Jake! So cute!
birthday.jpg Wa-hoo! It's Chance's birthday! (You da man, Pop Perkins!)
chjakittens.jpg Color; Jake and Chance as kittens.
jakchacal.jpg Color; A not-so-happy kitten Chance in a dress, with Jake and a dark she-kat grinning about it.
karatekat.jpg Color; Chance gets a head start on his future carreer. Hi-yah!
karatekat2.jpg Color; Jake also takes karate. (And he was probably better than Chance way back then, too!)
photoday.jpg Color; Jake and Chance endure the blinding horror of picture day.
uhh.jpg Color; A young Chance hangs out at the beach. I love the red sneakers!
whatchoc.jpg Color; "What Chocolate" kind of says it all :)