ann.jpg Ann Gora in her wedding dress.
bard.jpg Color; Chance Furlong, court bard.
beach.jpg Color; Holy Moly- that's some wave! (They should just make it a nude beach... it would save a lot of swimsuits.)
brianmay.jpg A pic of Jake as one of the members of Queen.
bottle.jpg Color; Chance in a lioncloth, reaching for a bottle.
chance.jpge Color; The tabby has just seen something disturbing, I would think ;)
christmas.jpg Color; Chance is all tuckered out from opening presents.
cj.jpg Color; A nice portrait of Jake and Chance.
fixup.jpg Color; It's the beginning of a comic-like scene from everyday life on the salvage yard (fixing a car waaay up!)
five.jpg Color; Five views of Chance/ T-Bone's head.
grip.jpg Color; from the Deadly Pyramid.
hbevy.jpg Color; Fanfic-based? Chance gives Evy a birthday present. She looks really happy!
help.jpg Color; More SK-meets-Mallrats, co-starring Burke (Murray?) I'd rate this pic PG-13.
injury.jpg Color; More auto repair hijinks! I don't think that will work... unless the battery's dead. Hey, there's an idea....
mallrats.jpg Jake and Chance, as Jay and Silent Bob.
pharaoh.jpg Color; Chance Furlong - Pilot... mechanic... ancient Egyptian ruler.
pikike.jpg Color; Chance has a parot on his head ...
piper.jpg Color; Jake stars in A Midsummer Night's Dream?
real.jpg Color; A modified photo of the artist- as a kat!
regret.jpg Color; What happened when Jake's mother found out about his talent!
run.jpg Color; Chance, on the obstacle course from "Mutation City." Run Chance, run! 
showson.jpg Color; Chance controls the TV.
smile.jpg Color; Chance, looking happy.
swatsoap.jpg Color; Chance, Evy [fan char] and Jake star in a Spanish soap
swing.jpg Color; More time at the obstacle course.
talent.jpg Color; The day Jake found out about his talent.
team.jpg Color; Chance the Centaur and Jake the Ranger make quite a team too.
valentine.jpg Happy Valentine's Day doodles, including Jake as cupid.