Just an Itsy-Bitsy Teenie-Weenie FMA Page

A Little Problem

Ed is experiencing a bit of a problem. But, I'm sure he'll find a solution ;) This is an old drawing that I finally colored. I used it to test out that fake screenshot look. Here's hoping it came out half-decently! Here's the original sketch if you're interested.

And, courtesy the awesome RandomCheeses, there is a fanfic to accompany this, using the dialogue from some jokes we had going on deviantART plus a lot of fleshing out and added hilarity from her that I had nothing to do with.

(Image is displaying smaller than actual size. Click for full size.)

(Photoshop CS5)

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Disclaimer: Fullmetal Alchemist belongs to Hiromu Arakawa, Square ENIX, Studio BONES and various other parties. All other characters and material within this page are the property of either myself, Kristen Sharpe/T.L. Amos, or their respective creators.