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  • Non-SWAT Kat Fanfiction

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    Yes, I have written some things besides SWAT Kat fanfiction! You can find full collections of my fanfiction on and on Archive of Our Own.

    Other Sites:

    I've written enough fanfiction for some fandoms that they've now been given their own sites.

  • Gone to the Dogs - My Inuyasha fansite for my fanart, fanfics, icons, and wallpapers of the series.
  • What in the Blue Blazes?! - My Blue Exorcist/Ao no Exorcist fansite where I have fanart, fanfics, and icons.
  • Just an Itsy-Bitsy Teenie-Weenie FMA Page - My Fullmetal Alchemist fansite. Yep, more fanfiction, fanart, and icons.
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    Weddings and Wives, Shotguns and Knives: Set sometime after the final episode of the Trigun anime. A wedding just wouldn't be a proper wedding in the Trigun universe if someone didn't crash it.
    Series: Trigun (anime)   Status: Oneshot/Stand-alone.

    They Pass By the Bridge and Me: They're two days and the first hundred jumps out from Ego's planet when Gamora first sees the ghosts. Set post-Vol. 2.
    Series: Guardians of the Galaxy (movieverse)   Status: Oneshot/Stand-alone.

    Intersection: On an average day in Hellsalem's Lot, Leonardo Watch catches a glimpse of blue flames and a tourist who's as normal as he is unearthly.
    Series: Blood Blockade Battlefront and Blue Exorcist/Ao no Exorcist   Status: Oneshot/Stand-alone.

    Restoration: So, either his essence had been shoved into the body of some luckless drunk or the beaten, weakened land had taken the long path of having him born the human way. However it worked, he was alive now, and that meant he had his duties. To his surviving people and to his family.
    Series: Hetalia: Axis Powers   Status: Oneshot/Stand-alone.

    Here There Be Dragons: Dragon AU. It was nearly the end of nesting season when Reilley announced, "There's eggs in the nest." Except they weren't dragon eggs. Which was a problem, the Kirklands being dragons and all. What had Arthur done this time?
    Series: Hetalia: Axis Powers   Status: Oneshot/Stand-alone.

    Detour: They landed in the middle of a warzone. Which meant Dr. Cosmo’s horribly constructed teleporter actually worked. Flug was professionally offended and personally pleased. His boss turned his insides out often enough for sport. He didn’t need some heroic hack’s device doing the same.
    Series: Villainous/Villanos and Girl Genius Crossover   Status: Oneshot/Stand-alone.


    The "Everything Crosses Over with Bleach" Series: A collection of drabbles based around the simple premise of "What would ______ do if they died and ended up in Soul Society?" Expect characters from a variety of series.
    Source: Bleach and Many Others   Status: Drabble Collection.

    Dissimilar: The bull had been fooled once before when its prey assumed human form.
    Source: The Last Unicorn and Twelve Kingdoms   Status: Drabble.

    Wealth: Asuna Yuuki owned many things.
    Source: Sword Art Online   Status: Drabble.

    Murphy's Law: Only Leo could get into this sort of mess.
    Source: Blood Blockade Battlefront   Status: Drabble.

    Perceptions: Mako reflects on the man who took her in after her world fell apart. Post-movie, contains spoilers.
    Source: Pacific Rim   Status: Drabble.

    On the Off Chance: Tony Stark was out of words and out of time... until a completely bizarre chance presented itself. Inspired by the second Endgame trailer.
    Source: Avengers: Endgame   Status: Drabble.

    England's (Somewhat) Wonderful, Magical House: He should have been more careful. But, what was done was done.
    Series: Hetalia: Axis Powers   Status: Drabble series.

    Hard Choices: America would be asked, later, when his men recounted the incident, how it felt to point a musket at his father. New!
    Series: Hetalia: Axis Powers   Status: Drabble.

    Ennui:A master magician has not made me happy. I will see what an incompetent one can do.” – King Haggard, “The Last Unicorn” In the past, Black Hat had had more competent minions.
    Source: Villainous/Villanos   Status: Drabble.

    Picturing: 505's drawings are typical child's drawings, but he has a particular way of drawing Black Hat that indicates he may not see quite what everyone else sees...
    Source: Villainous/Villanos   Status: Drabble.

    Fear: It was right that the man fear him, but Flug took it to ridiculous heights. And yet, he had lasted an impressive length of time compared to his predecessors.
    Source: Villainous/Villanos   Status: Drabble.

    Recording Evil: The most complex device Flug had designed for Black Hat Org. wasn’t what anyone thought. New!
    Source: Villainous/Villanos   Status: Drabble.

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    Disclaimer: SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron is copyright Hanna-Barbera Cartoons Inc. All Rights Reserved. © 1995. All other characters and material within this page are the property of either myself, Kristen Sharpe/T.L. Amos, or their respective creators.