Art of the SWAT Kats grinning Kristen's SWAT Kat Gallery

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  • SWAT Kat Poems

    This is illustrated SWAT KAT poetry collection that somehow found its way onto my site. Which is fine as the poems are quite good. My old art and design skills, on the other hand, leave something to be desired. But, I'm going through and cleaning up what I can, so everything should at least display properly now. I am not accepting new submissions.


    Ellen Brand

  • T-Bone's Song / (Text Version)
  • Jake Bridges

  • Nothing / (Text Version)
  • Turbonium / (Text Version)
  • I Knew it Well / (Text Version) - based on a fanfic or RPG
  • To Trina / (Text Version) - based on a fanfic or RPG
  • True Friends / (Text Version) - based on a fanfic or RPG
  • Crash Clawson

  • Last Dreams / (Text Version)
  • Thoughts and Understandings / (Text Version)
  • Rikki Feral

  • Red, Blue, and Black - The Colors of a Hero
  • The Ballad of the SWAT Kats / (Text Version)
  • Kari Gilmore

  • The Pledge of Quiver / (Text Version)
  • J Greenslug

  • Untitled / (Text Version)
  • Felicia McFurry

  • My Hero / (Text Version)
  • Harmony Morris

  • Iron Ice / (Text Version)
  • Me / (Text Version)
  • Jennifer Munoz

  • A Ballad for Chance / (Text Version)
  • SWAT Kat Call / (Text Version)
  • David Noble

  • Chance's Broken Heart / (Text Version)
  • Eternal Alliance / (Text Version)
  • A Great Friend / (Text Version)
  • Mad Kat's Medieval Scheme / (Text Version)
  • The SWAT Kat's Pledge and Feral's Opinion / (Text Version)
  • Victories / (Text Version)
  • Turmoil Trouble / (Text Version)
  • Anonmity and Acceptance of Phurranha / (Text Version) - based on a fanfic
  • New Wings / (Text Version) - based on a fanfic
  • T-Bone's Bitterest Loss / (Text Version) - based on a fanfic
  • Thank You, Trina / (Text Version) - based on a fanfic
  • R*A*C*H*E*L

  • Story Time / (Text Version)
  • Razaar Kaadle

  • Hero / (Text Version)
  • Raksha

  • Their Disappearance / (Text Version)
  • SWAT Kat Deficite / (Text Version)
  • Sage

  • What's to be Said? / (Text Version)
  • Worthy

  • An Ending...? / (Text Version)
  • Broadast - Ann Gora's Image Song / (Text Version)
  • Challenge - Feral's Image Song / (Text Version)
  • Summon - Callie Briggs' Image Song / (Text Version)
  • Colors - The SWAT Kats' Image Song / (Text Version)


    Disclaimer: All poems posted on this page are the property of the respective poets and are posted with permission. All original images unless otherwise noted are the work of myself, Kristen Sharpe/T L Amos. Please borrow or use poems and the images of those other than myself only after requesting permission.

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    Disclaimer: SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron is copyright Hanna-Barbera Cartoons Inc. All Rights Reserved. © 1995. All other characters and material within this page are the property of either myself, Kristen Sharpe/T.L. Amos, or their respective creators.