Just an Itsy-Bitsy Teenie-Weenie FMA Page

Assorted Drabbles:
All of these are drabbles that I've posted on Fanfiction.net under the collection title "Shrimp Paella". The "next chapter" links on each drabble will take you through them in the order they were written. If you want to read them by continuity, use the links here.

Drabbles Set in Any Continuity:

Victim: Shopping with Winry was torture.
Timeline: Any time.

Manifest: Edward Elric wore his sins.
Timeline: Any time.

Cover Story: Al's situation required a cover story.
Timeline: Pre-series.

Appreciation: "The fangs, the snakes, the skulls. They loved it."
Timeline: Pre-series.

Constant: Books were old friends.
Timeline: Beginning through end, vague enough for any continuity.

Weakness: It was a well-known fact that Maes Hughes' soft spot was his daughter.
Timeline: Early series.

The Little Things: It began on Monday with little things. By Thursday, the situation in Colonel Mustang's office was swifly deteriorating.
Timeline: Pre or early series.

Moving Forward: Edward Elric still smelled of smoke when he stepped onto the morning’s first train out of Resembool.
Timeline: Pre or early series.

Worth More Than Words: "Lieutenant Colonel Hughes has been shot."
Timeline: Early series.

Brat: Edward Elric was a brat.
Timeline: Nowhere in particular.

Everything and Then Some: "So, what do you look for in a woman, Fullmetal?"
Timeline: Nowhere in particular.

Sacred: At least the brat held something sacred.
Timeline: Nowhere in particular.

Accomplishments: It's October 3rd again, and Ed is wondering just what he and Al have accomplished.
Timeline: Pre or early series.

Innate: Her grandmother was one of the best, after all. And, Winry meant to follow in her footsteps.
Timeline: Fantasy Alternate Universe.

Protective: Ed could hear Winry's claws clicking against the wrench she was holding and wondered how close she was to outright breathing fire.
Timeline: Fantasy Alternate Universe.

Restoration: He and Brother had lost so much already.
Timeline: Early series.

Legacy: A younger Pinako wonders if she should look for an apprentice.
Timeline: Pre or early series.

Off Again: "Heh, this feels familiar," he muttered. Beside him, Al grinned. "Doesn't it?"
Timeline: Post series.

Long Distance: October 3rd dawned gray and cold, and Ed found himself staring out yet another hotel window.
Timeline: Early series.

First Anime-Based Drabbles:

Favorite: It wasn't favoritism, Dante told herself.
Timeline: Any time, but leans early or pre-series.

Malice Aforethought: Envy held the letter to that man in his hands and resisted the urge to tear it into tiny pieces.
Timeline: Pre-series.

Tolerance: She was neither mother nor maker, and that was why he tolerated her. New!
Timeline: Pre or mid-series.

Belated Birthdays: He would have no more birthdays until his body was restored.
Timeline: Set during Episode 6.

Manga/Brotherhood-Based Drabbles:

Hare-Raising: During his months with Greed and the chimera, Ed finally begins to wonder why he's the only one catching dinner.
Timeline: During the six month timeskip.

Entertainment: Nowhere else in Central offered dinner and a show.
Timeline: Shortly after Ling's introduction.

Non-Sequitur: Hohenheim endured Ed's latest tirade with a surprised expression that offered no hint toward his real feelings.
Timeline: Anytime Ed and Hohenheim are together.

Fabrication: It had been a perfectly nice day. Then, Winry had to ask The Question and ruin it all.
Timeline: Post-Promised Day.

Seasons Change: Conveniently, October was apple season.
Timeline: Post-Promised Day.

Stray: He should have known better.
Timeline: Shortly after Ling's introduction.

Motivation: He had never been this bad at alchemy.
Timeline: Post-Promised Day.

Practice: So, he started with practical things. Continues from "Motivation".
Timeline: Post-Promised Day.

Resolution: Heinkel had made the pronouncement while still tied up in the trapeze swings.
Timeline: Post-Promised Day.

Making It Better: "See if I ever rush to save you again, woman," Ed grumbled.
Timeline: Post-Promised Day.

Fairy Tale: It was late in the afternoon when peals of laughter drew Winry out to the porch.
Timeline: Post-series.

Something Nobody Could Do: There are things even a "nobody" is good at.
Timeline: Post-Promised Day.

Strength: "You aren't wearing your armor anymore?"
Timeline: Post-series.

Ingredients: Ed had been weird ever since Winry told him she was pregnant.
Timeline: Post-series.

Being Themselves: "Your face will stick that way."
Timeline: Post-series.

Circle: In the end, the Elric brothers came full cirle.
Timeline: References the entire series.

Sharks and All: "...You realize this is the first time we've seen each other in months," said Winry, "and this is the conversation we start on."
Timeline: Post-series.

Challenge: Chris Mustang always needed a little challenge in her life.
Timeline: Post-series.

Rebuild: "Sell the old house property?" Ed blinked at Pinako over the book hed been reading.
Timeline: Post-series.

Vacation: Somehow, spying for the Emperor of Xing had spiraled completely out of control. And, Chris Mustang was loving every second of it. Continues "Challenge".
Timeline: Post-series.

Greed?: Back in Xing, Ling Yao was reminded what a rash, impossible promise he'd made.
Timeline: Post-series.

What Was His: It wasn't that Greed cared, but nobody took what was his. New!
Timeline: During the six month timeskip.

Anew: The leaves were changing, the apples were ready for picking, and Ed and Al were waiting at the door. New!
Timeline: Post-series.

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Disclaimer: Fullmetal Alchemist belongs to Hiromu Arakawa, Square ENIX, Studio BONES and various other parties. All other characters and material within this page are the property of either myself, Kristen Sharpe/T.L. Amos, or their respective creators.